Scan and consultant appointment today


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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So had my 32 weeks growth scan today, everything fine and baby growing nicely, But she is now true breech :(
Went to see the consultant after (well doctor my consultant is still away lol) a different one again, however he was really nice :) He says he will rescan in 4 weeks and if baby is still breech, he will do a ECV, if this fails I will have a c- section at 39 weeks.

He was very matter of fact and honest, basically said cos of my fibroids ( which have grown since last scan) and that I have a partial bicornuate uterus, he thinks the baby will stay breech. He will try a ECV but it will probably fail :lol: or if it is succesful baby will prob turn back to breech. He then said I may have more complications from a c-section due to the fibroids as they can increase bleeding.

If I go into natural labour and baby is breech I will have to an emergency c-section.

He was honest and gave the facts which in some way settled me.

I think..... :shock:
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All the best Rosa - at least you can prepare yourself mentally for a c section.....that's what I'd done but now they are saying I might have a normal birth after all which I haven't prepared for at all cause they told me it would def be a c section!! I find out for sure in 3 weeks! xxx
Hi Rosa,
its good when people are straight with you, I think that helps. *hugs*

x x x x
Oh lovely big hugs. At least they were straight with you.x x

Yeah Im glad they were straight. Worried a bit more now after sleeping on it though
What are you worried about hun? Anything in particular? xx
The fact that it may be a csection which is major surgery, also Im thinking this is my first baby and probably my last due to finaces and my age and so won't ever get to feel childbirth
Awwww I can understand that....I'll be 38 by time baby is here, but am def planning on popping another one out if I can! I am different to you I think in that I am absolutely terrified by the thought of a normal labour and a big part of me would prefer a c section....if I have my scan and he tells me it's c section, all I will feel is relief....but I know recovery from c section is a lot worse than recovery from normal birth so it really isn't the easy option....I just don't like pain either way and keep joking that he can just stay in there!! I think whatever happens, when she is here all your worries will be forgotton and you'll just be so happy that she is with you safe and well xxxx

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