Savoury v sweet


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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We've been weaning for 4 weeks now and it's going great and she's now having 3 meals a day but I've really noticed this past week she's gone off the savoury foods but still loving the sweet stuff.

She turns her nose up at veg etc but is loving fruity stuff, does it really matter yet at this age? I don't want to make a rod for my own back from the beginning and struggle with her being a fussy eater. She seems to like things with lots of flavour, the caribean pork baby food is a favourite but the bland plain veg stuff is spat/sprayed back out at me :puke: .

Would she be taking after me with food tastes? I love very hot spicy foods, chilli and garlicy stuff but plain things like roast dinners and shephards pie don't excite me. I ate a lot of very hot Nandos chicken while pregnant :D .

Basically I'm asking should I make her finish her dinner before giving her some pudding (I don't want to be a mean mummy :lol: )?
Don't worry, I'm not suggesting I give her nandos chicken :lol: . Imagine that nappy :puke:
I personally wouldn't make her finish her dinner before giving pudding at this age but then I still don't do that now, if she has had enough of what she is eating I offer her something different, until I am happy that she has had enough - she often gets bored of what she has in front of her.

LO went through stages of preferring fruit to anything else, but now her diet is very balanced. I think that they go through so many stages of liking and disliking things that you just have to go with the flow.
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Have you tried sweet potato? Dexter has this at most meals at the mo, with a little formula mixed in and then some other veggies. It's sweeter tasting but very nutritious. Also this week (now he's nearly 6 months) I've just started adding a little cheese to his veggies, he's having swede, leek and cheese together today. Other combos we've had are carrots with a little bit of ginger and courgettes and asparagus with onions or garlic.

He's not so keen on the plain green veg but likes it with a little "kick" ie, ginger, garlic, onions etc x
DD LOVES tangerines and knew she would get one at the end of every meal. Her eating, which was never great, was going downhill so I stopped giving tangerines and now she is eating better. So sometimes she gets pudding and sometimes she doesn't and that way she doesn't ignore what she's got thinking 'bring on the tangerines!' :lol:

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