Sad to be posting here


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Hi all

Have posted in tri 1 with my sad news about bleeding. I know its not been confirmed yet, but I was wondering what others experiences of mc at 11 wks are (though suspect baby only made it to 10 wks if that). At the moment I'm having on and off pains and heavy bleeding/clots (sorry if tmi) but am expecting it to get worse. My sister lost both hers at same wks along, though 1st was d&c, but said hers took about a day, but have read online it can take several days.

What shall I do about painkillers, pharmacist would only give my OH paracetamol as not confirmed mc. Should I take Ibruprofen if gets bad or wait till confirmed in scan on weds (if I make it that far)?

Relly sorry hun, its just horrible xxxxx i didnt have a natural mc so i dont know. But got given paracetomal and ibruprofen to take together wen i had heavy bleeding after my erpc so i think it would be fine xxxx
Sorry you have had to go through this. I had a natural mc and took co-codimol for the pain. It pased in a couple of days. Take care!! Xxx
I started one day with brown spotting in the evening....this continued for 24 hours then i started getting red on wiping but would come and go. No pain or cramps then next day more bleeding and by 3rd evening i suddenly.had blood kind of gushing blood. I was soaking thick nighttime pads in 1-2 hours and then started getting waves of contraction type pain which would worsen each time i was going to pass a clot. I passef several clots on the toilet 2 sized of small orange. This bleeding continued for 12 hours then went muxh lighter like a normal perion for 4 days then just brown spotting for a further 4 days. I had a scan the morning after the heavy bleed and it wasconfirmed uterus empty.

I then had 3 hcg blood tests to check levels coming down ok. And from the initial test it showed my levels were not high enough for me to have been 10 weeks. They were more like the level of a 5-6 week pregnancy.

I hope it is not what you fear....but remember to go to a&e before weds if bleedibg gets too bad .

You can take co-codamol for bad even if your bean is still there.

Thinking of you.
Hi all. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Currently in a fair bit of pain, like contractions, have just taken some Ibruprofen as figured the odds of any baby being there are very slim given I'm passing huge clots.

Can't believe you're just left to get on with this if you can't go to epu before it starts!
Day before i had my 12 week i bleeded really dark and heavy full of big clots horrid pain went hosp they couldnt do Nothing amd day aft i had a scN and baby was still there and hb beating never think its over until been confirmedd x thpughts are with u xxx
Hi, sorry to hear your news :-(
I lost two at 11 weeks, one after the other. Both were different, the first one was quick and happened in hospital but the second lasted three days. Bleeding started on Monday and I didn't pass the baby until the Wednesday lunch time, it wasn't much fun and I've always said that if it happens again, I would go for a D&C, but that is totally personal choice.
I really hope you're ok xx
Just a bit of advice i was not take ibruprofen or aspirin.even if you have confirmed mc as it can make your bleeding worse as it thins the blood.

Hope you're ok
Hi girls. Ended up going to a&e in the end. pain and bleeding had subsided when got there (typical) by time saw someone and shuffled to loo to do wee sample I ended up pushing/pulling it out in the loo. Saw a gynae doctor in small hours who examined me and the "products of conception" (such a horrible term) and said that I'd had a complete mc, which is the one bit of good news. Been booked in for preg test in 2 weeks time.

Absolutely shattered as didn't get home till 4am in end. Feeling ok emotionally at mo, was all cried out by time it physically happened, though seeing a newborn set me off last night. Expect it'll take a while.

Thanks for all your support and advice it helped me get through it last night
so sorry this happened to you. It's awful at any stage, but I felt worse being almost 11 weeks and already having my scan date booked etc. Last time I didn't even make it to my first mw appt or early 7 weeks scan!

i felt emotionally ok as had cried myself silly before it was actually confirmed. But a few days later it hit me again and I went through the whole range of emotions. It takes time to actually sink in and be 'real'.

I found this forum such great support during the hardest and times i felt lonely there was always someone online to talk too..........

look after yourselves.
So sorry to read this, my thoughts are with you and yout OH. Take it easy for a few days xxx
So sorry this has happened. My thoughts are with you all x
So so sorry hun :( My first went to sleep at 11 weeks. I had some bleeding and went for an emergency scan to find out the heart had v recently stopped and was advised to have ERPC as doing it naturally at home would be traumatic at that stage, so I'm sorry you went through it this way. Take care of yourself and take the time you need xxx

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