Hi all
Well today went ok, not as bad as i thought to be honest.
We'll get the first part of our results in 2/3 days and the final result in about 2 weeks. If it is downs or one of the other main chromosone defects it will show up in the first result but some placentas can't be tested so in that case nothin would show on either result and so i would need the amnio at 20 weeks.
The midwife went thru all our options including worst case scenario's. I feel personally i have to think of the worst case so anything better is a bonus otherwise i just wouldn't cope. If the tests come back negative but a chromosomal defect of some other sort is found then dh and i wil have to have our chromosomes tested in case either of us carry a defect one and thats what shows up on baby.
I have not had my blood results back yet so still dont know if its to do with the parvo virus, if it is we will probably end up having to go to bristol for assessment/treatment. If it is to do with this then basically the blood cells die off, baby becomes aneamic and then swells and would either (depending on how many weeks i am) need a blood transfusion or basically die if it was too early to be able to do anything.
If tests come back negative then i need a heart scan done on baby at 22 weeks but because the baby's heart would only be the size of a peanut i may need to go to bristol for a more detailed scan. Apparantly the consultant i'm under (mrs pillai) is very skilled but there is only so much she could see at that stage so if it wasn't enough then this is when i would have to go to Bristol to see a specialist.
I have had some tummy aches but nothing too bad, I'm taking it easy as told by the hospital and everyone is being so kind and helpfull it just makes me feel useless to be honest. I'm finding it hard waiting, and also dreading the result that we'll get. We have our holiday in 3 weeks (away for 2) and i've said i wont spoil the holiday for the kids for something that isn't nice so things would have to be dealt with when i come back. I asked what our options were, basically because of my stage or pregnancy if worst comes to worst and i have to terminate then it would be by evacuation before our holiday but after it would be by labour and delivery. I aksed from her experience what do women find easiest to deal with mentally and she said she was glad she asked this and it was easier to deliver as it helps with the grieving process, i think 'd already made my mind up i would rather do it this way if i had a choice anyway, i dont think i would cope with the other option emotionally. I know either way would be hard so i'm trying not to think about it but its hard not to.
As soon as i get my results i will update you all, as long as we still have electric that is, the water got cut off tonight!
Thank you all again for being my support system, it really does mean a lot