had some bad news today had my scan and by chance as baby was lying face down and they found a lot of fluid around the baby's neck (nuchal fold) which could mean down syndrome (high risk due to the amount of fluid) heart problems like hole in the heart, infection, due to cases of slapped cheek (parvo virus) at school at the time of me getting my hpt? If its this then beacuse its so early still if it was affected by it then it will slowly kill off baby's blood cells which will then become aneamic and eventually die, if i was further along then they could have done a blood transfusion on it.
Basically i have opted for the downs test as we both know (please don't judge me on this) that we would have to opt for a termination as we know we would not cope. I have always refused the testing and said if it was born with it then it would be loved and cared for no matter what but in this case its not the case, we know we could be faced with that, we have ourselves, our other children and the life of the baby we have to consider and knowing what we know i/we wouldn't cope. If it was our 1st baby things might be different.
With the testing i can have a CVS test now which they take a piece of placenta and culture it to give a definate result or an amniocentesis at around 20 weeks. cvs has 2% miscarriage rate, the amnio has 1%. Bearing in mind i'm 13 weeks now (they put me back a week) i have to consider what happens if we have to terminate, with cvs i should be ok to have a normal termination unless baby is too big that it would cause damae to me and then i would have to deliver, if i wait for the amnio and had to terminate then i would have no other option than to go through labour to deliver our baby so with this in mind i have opted for the cvs, either test will give us a definate result as to whether it has downs or not but with cvs their is a risk that it will only show abnormalities within the placenta and not baby so then i would have to wait for the amnio. If the test comes back ok then they will have to do a heart scan on the baby as the fluid could be from that so whatever option i think about that i have been given is not a good one. Part of me hopes that if the result for downs is positive then i truly hope to god i miscarry naturally so i don't have to go thru with a termination.
My doctor should be ringing me tomorrow to see if i can have it done tomorrow or monday, they've been really fantastic and explained everything i've wanted to know and have said to me that if any decision i make i can undo anytime and have not pressurised us in any way.
If anybody has had anything show up with a nuchal fold scan could they please let me kow what happened whether thru this or PM, thanks.
Lastly i'm sorry if i have offended anyone by saying about a termination but you have to realise we have talked things thru based on 'our' lives not anybody elses. I totally admire anyone who has a downs child, i have nothing at all against them, my dh's uncle was disabled and i know what is involved with looking after them so its not a decision made lightly with no thought put into it but i just know in our circumstances we would not be able to cope and this is why we have made this very hard decision if the outcome goes that way.
had some bad news today had my scan and by chance as baby was lying face down and they found a lot of fluid around the baby's neck (nuchal fold) which could mean down syndrome (high risk due to the amount of fluid) heart problems like hole in the heart, infection, due to cases of slapped cheek (parvo virus) at school at the time of me getting my hpt? If its this then beacuse its so early still if it was affected by it then it will slowly kill off baby's blood cells which will then become aneamic and eventually die, if i was further along then they could have done a blood transfusion on it.
Basically i have opted for the downs test as we both know (please don't judge me on this) that we would have to opt for a termination as we know we would not cope. I have always refused the testing and said if it was born with it then it would be loved and cared for no matter what but in this case its not the case, we know we could be faced with that, we have ourselves, our other children and the life of the baby we have to consider and knowing what we know i/we wouldn't cope. If it was our 1st baby things might be different.
With the testing i can have a CVS test now which they take a piece of placenta and culture it to give a definate result or an amniocentesis at around 20 weeks. cvs has 2% miscarriage rate, the amnio has 1%. Bearing in mind i'm 13 weeks now (they put me back a week) i have to consider what happens if we have to terminate, with cvs i should be ok to have a normal termination unless baby is too big that it would cause damae to me and then i would have to deliver, if i wait for the amnio and had to terminate then i would have no other option than to go through labour to deliver our baby so with this in mind i have opted for the cvs, either test will give us a definate result as to whether it has downs or not but with cvs their is a risk that it will only show abnormalities within the placenta and not baby so then i would have to wait for the amnio. If the test comes back ok then they will have to do a heart scan on the baby as the fluid could be from that so whatever option i think about that i have been given is not a good one. Part of me hopes that if the result for downs is positive then i truly hope to god i miscarry naturally so i don't have to go thru with a termination.
My doctor should be ringing me tomorrow to see if i can have it done tomorrow or monday, they've been really fantastic and explained everything i've wanted to know and have said to me that if any decision i make i can undo anytime and have not pressurised us in any way.
If anybody has had anything show up with a nuchal fold scan could they please let me kow what happened whether thru this or PM, thanks.
Lastly i'm sorry if i have offended anyone by saying about a termination but you have to realise we have talked things thru based on 'our' lives not anybody elses. I totally admire anyone who has a downs child, i have nothing at all against them, my dh's uncle was disabled and i know what is involved with looking after them so its not a decision made lightly with no thought put into it but i just know in our circumstances we would not be able to cope and this is why we have made this very hard decision if the outcome goes that way.