i had my scan today and got some very bad news the baby has alot of pockets of fluid around its head and neck, has no septum, and only 2 heart chambers, i am numb i dont know what to do or think they did a cvs i think its called they took some cells from placenta, but they say it will not survive and i should have a termination, they have booked me in for tomorrow but i dont know what to do, in the same sentence they mentioned chromisome abnormalities, edwards syndrom, downs syndrom, and turners syndrom, they dont know which till results on thursday, apparently if i wait till then i cant have a surgical termination it will have to be a medical one. They basically have given me no hope. To make it worse my husband couldnt come with me my mum came and i let my daughters come in, BIG mistake. I know its going to die but i dont know if i can terminate it. I really dont know what to do.