Sad decision

Oh Shona hun, my heart breaks for you. Im so sorry. I dread the day, it will rip me apart.
Just wanted to send big hugs :hug: and lots of love im so sorry for you. :(
i really feel for you hun, i lost my lil dag, issac bout 2 weeks ago, he died of an enlarged heart, they think he was born with it. He was only 2 bless him it feels like we have lost a family member:( my heart is with you xxxx
Beanie I am thinkin gof you hun.

I know what a horrible and hard decision this is; I had to put my 13 year old dog down last year because of kidney failure and it was the hardesst thing I have ever done in my life. He was such a big part of it. It was also one of the kindest things. I always think of him; every day.

The vets will guide you to do what is best hun but you'll know deep dowon in your heart.

Thinkin gof you :hug:
aw hun...... big hug to you i know how hard it is, having had to say goodbye to two cats myself... it's not nice...

Thanks guys. Sam went to sleep this evening, he had gorged himself on treats before hand and knew what a good dog he was. In one way I am relieved as he was so hard to loook after but I really really miss him. I have gone in to get him in 3 times this evening.
Im sorry huni, are you ok? Im on msn if you need someone to talk to or you have my number.

R.I.P Sam you were beatiful awake, and now you are a beautiful angel.

Take care
Cassie xxxx :hug: :hug:
I'm so sorry shona I completely missed this thread. Sending hugs and you know where I am :hug:
ohhh Shona. Im so so so sorry hun. I cant imagine how awful today is for you. I just know it must be heartbreaking. You did the right thing for Sam.
Ill be here if you need to chat or cry. Much Love Hun. xxxxxxxx
im sure your making the right decision but im sure hes had a good life i no its a hard decision to make im sure he will have a peacful life now hes in peace if you ever need to chat pm we had to have our dog put down last year as she was ill kive you all my love :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxx take care
aww im so sorry :cry: I had my dog put down when i was 11 and i was so upset i just wouldnt let them take her. She was my best friend and i felt so selfish but i didnt want her to go! in the end it was the best decision, her nose had collapsed and she couldnt breath :cry: .

My second dog was ill and i said i loved him, kissed him, went to bed and woke up to find him dead in my kitchen :cry: I was so upset i just didnt know what to do. I was stuck in the house on my own with him. I just sat hugging him for 6 hours till my mum finished work, he got all hard and smelly...i wish he was put down :cry: He had been abused all his life and was 11 when we got him from the RSPCA and was in there a year as no one wanted him. He had a fun life with us and thats all you can do!

I think you made the right decision! :hug:

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