My 21 year old cat has gone to heaven


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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Poor gizmo has gone. He was my cat but was up at my mums, he was the family pet.
He was very frail as you can imagine but was still jumping around and being a pain in the ass, pestering for treats but yestersay he just went to his bed and lay there.

He stopped breathing last night when we were there to pick my car up. Just like that. There one minute, gone the next. Im not sad, 21 is a good age for a cat and he was a fab pet in his hey day.

He is older than sarahb :shock:

I remember when I was younger, we had a fire guard that went up and over the fire. He used to sleep there and when we got another cat (a female) she slept there too. Well, I kid you not, the two cats were at it on the fire guard one day, my mum was mortified. Needless to say both cats were off to the vets for the appropriate ops. I was only about 10, didnt have a clue what was going on.
Oh that's sad :cry: Sounds like he had a good life though and passed away peacefully. RIP little Gizmo xx
I wont say poor giz cause sounds like he had a lovely and long life, and a peacful and happy end to life in his bed. That is a lovely way to go.

I will say r.i.p gizmo have a lovely time in heaven with lots of fishy treats! :angel:
Awww love to you and hugs and god bless Gizmo
I know Sarah, its just funny to think my cat was here before you. :lol:
He was a house cat, only ever outside to go to the vets.
:hug: am so sorry to hear that hun. At least he went in a peaceful way, not in any pain. RIP Gizmo
rip gizmo hope you are safe in heaven you sound you had a good life xxxx
thanks, he had a great life and definately a long life. With him being a house cat he wasnt in contact with as many things that could shorten his life. My sister who is also 21 is quite upset. She fell on him when she was a baby, we hadnt had him that long and his leg was broken. I still remember him with a stookie on.

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