Rusk, rusk rusk!!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Is anyone else sick of people telling you to give your baby rusk in their bottle. Really milky rusk, just enough to thicken the milk a little to help them sleep at night.

I must admit, stuff our parents used to do with us hasn't done us any harm but everything is sooooo different these days. Everything is bad for you etc etc etc.

Is anyone elses parents saying this, or has anyone else tried it???

Jack is sleeping ok at the moment, but it was just for future reference, you never know what happens.
i tried it with B but it dont make ne difference lol i just think he likes getting me up lol
I think that what the mums tell you is the best advice. Nothing Ive been told by the hv has done me any good. I never put rusk in a bottle though, would it get through the teat?
Well my mum said she made the hole bigger. But it just makes the milk thicker, it's not lumpy. or off a spoon might be easier

I agree with you about HV, experience is better than any advice. :D
It is mad how much difference in opinions there are, I was told on Weds not to use rusks as they had high sugar, was looking forward to eating some of them, :(
Well i suppose they are but i would imagine the amount you give a baby mixed in milk won't be too much, especially if you use just under a quarter of one at a time.

i am not going to use them yet as Jack is fine at night but i was just wondering whethr all mum's are the same.

My mum thinks everything is blown out of proportion these days food wise. it never did me or my brothers any harm.

Also (god i'm moaning now) these people that make up these food rules don't have babies or children and don't have to put up with hunger crying i.e now i have been told weaning is recommended at 6months, i know for a fact my son won't last till 6 months on just milk!!
But you read all the time about people with obese kids etc, i suppose they have to cover their backs.
I know what you mean about the weaning, don't think I can last till she is 6 months, she already drinks me dry. I'll just see how Seren goes, and listen to all the advice and choose what suits me.
Damien definately isn't lasting on milk alone already - he may only be able to take 5oz at a time as his tummy is still tiny, but he is 11lb 2oz now and needs stuff to grow from somewhere!

I go on my mums advice and other mums too as I think there is alot to be said for experience. I won't wean Damien till he is about 4 months old, but I don't see the harm in giving him a touch of baby rice or crushed rusk. He has thickened feeds anyway so whats the difference!? :?

I like rusks too, they are tasty lol.
I don't think rusks taste the same as they used to, gutted!!! :lol: :lol:
we've been buying in rusks with the weekly shop ready for weaning, but whenever I go to the cupboard the packet is empty. Nobody has admitted to it, but one of the kids (or even Stuart) must love them. Not fair, I want some but there's never any left!!

There's no way Alex will wait until 6 months - he sits drooling and transfixed now whenever we're eating. We weaned Daniel at 3 mths and Charlotte at 4 mths and they're not overweight - I always thought obesity was caused by overeating, if it's caused by early weaning, I'll forget my diet and blame mum :wink: .
Lol Tracey!!

Weaning used to be 4 months when Amy was a baby but now it's 6 months!!!

Never in a month of sundays will fat Jack wait til then!!! LOl
tracyM said:
There's no way Alex will wait until 6 months - he sits drooling and transfixed now whenever we're eating.

Damien does the same - maybe it's partially a reflux thing that they crave it sooner? After all, some reflux babies are weaned earlier to help them before they get an aversion to eating from being sick and unhappy. I gave Damien a couple of spoons of baby rice the other night (yes I know I'd get shotued at for it) and he absolutely loved it!
Sami said:
Damien definately isn't lasting on milk alone already - he may only be able to take 5oz at a time as his tummy is still tiny, but he is 11lb 2oz now and needs stuff to grow from somewhere!

no way eva is 11lb now! she's probably too young for rusk though - do you think? x
Damien was 6 weeks early though don't forget so he had catching up to do! he was 11lb 2oz at 5/6 weeks old corrected :) Eva's tum should be in propertion to her body still.

Saying that my mum gave my brother rusky milk in his bottles from about 4 weeks he was such a hungry baby! She says he slept the best out of all of us kids too, not saying it's the best idea she ever had though :lol:
I'm too scared to try him on rice yet!!!!
knowing my luck, we'd try him, he'd get worse again and we'd get found out - I can't be arsed with the lecture :roll:

I tried Jack on baby rice and rusk about 2 weeks ago. I tried it with a spoon and in a bottle.

It didnt make him sleep longer or settle longer and made him constipated so stopped straight away.

Will try again at 4 months!

My HV told me that giving rusks in milk before 6 months can damage a babies stomach membrane and cause all sorts of problems as they grow up. She says it will also give them bad trapped, painful wind.

Lou :)
i would never give any type of food through a bottle, no matter how runny it was, it can really damage they tummys and systems
I can't understand why everything changes so much!

When we were young there was non of these food warnings, my mum used to give us rusk if we were hungry babies, like she said there is nothing worse than hearing a baby constantly crying cos they are still hungry.
My cousin when he was a baby was on solids at 2 months and the health visitor told my aunty to do it!!

I don't listen to my HV, she has told me so many things that i found out aren't true.

Jack is happy on his milk at the moment so i am ok.

How can something that is the same consistancy as milk (well a little thicker) damage their stomach?? Oh it's all so scientific for me!! :?
Amy's mum said:
I can't understand why everything changes so much!

When my mom had us she was told smoking was fine....the doctor even told her to have a biscuit in the morning before her first fag to help stop her getting morning sickness. :shock:

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