My little one is 12 weeks now and we've got a bit of a routine going.
My hubby wakes him at around 7.30 to change his nappy and have a cuddle before going to work at 8.15. I then do the morning feed, get us up, washed and dressed and head downstairs at around 9.15. He happily goes in his swing for half hour then while I do the washing up, measure his formula powder out ready for the day and any other little jobs such as putting a load of washing on. We'll then have play time till around 10. 30 which is when he has a nap till around 12.30-1. I'll do any bigger jobs such as hovering etc while he's asleep. He's then changed and fed and then playtime again. He's awake for most of the afternoon then apart from the odd 20 min afternoon nap some days. At around 4pm i take him into his big cot in his nursery and he'll happily have half hour in there listening to and watching his mobile. I'll usually shower at this point. He's then fed again at 5ish. I pop him back in his swing again after the feed which is when I'll prepare tea ready for hubby coming home at 6ish.
We bath him every other night at the min and that is usually around half 6 after we've had our tea.
He'll then be changed into his bedtime vest or whatever and daddy has cuddles while I sort the pots from tea etc. He's then fed at around half 8- 9 and usually falls asleep while feeding. We put him into swing downstairs with us until we go up to bed at half 11ish. We dream feed him about 3oz and then put him to bed. He 'll then usually sleep till between 4.30 and 5 which is when he wakes up wanting a couple of oz. I think he'll drop this feed soon as he's taking less and less.
He'll then go back to sleep till 7.30 when we get up and do it all again!
Obviously some days the routine changes, if we're out etc or at the weekend when daddy is home but we pretty much stick to it and it seems to work for us.
Can't complain really, he sleeps really well at night and is mostly a happy, content little chappy.
My hubby wakes him at around 7.30 to change his nappy and have a cuddle before going to work at 8.15. I then do the morning feed, get us up, washed and dressed and head downstairs at around 9.15. He happily goes in his swing for half hour then while I do the washing up, measure his formula powder out ready for the day and any other little jobs such as putting a load of washing on. We'll then have play time till around 10. 30 which is when he has a nap till around 12.30-1. I'll do any bigger jobs such as hovering etc while he's asleep. He's then changed and fed and then playtime again. He's awake for most of the afternoon then apart from the odd 20 min afternoon nap some days. At around 4pm i take him into his big cot in his nursery and he'll happily have half hour in there listening to and watching his mobile. I'll usually shower at this point. He's then fed again at 5ish. I pop him back in his swing again after the feed which is when I'll prepare tea ready for hubby coming home at 6ish.
We bath him every other night at the min and that is usually around half 6 after we've had our tea.
He'll then be changed into his bedtime vest or whatever and daddy has cuddles while I sort the pots from tea etc. He's then fed at around half 8- 9 and usually falls asleep while feeding. We put him into swing downstairs with us until we go up to bed at half 11ish. We dream feed him about 3oz and then put him to bed. He 'll then usually sleep till between 4.30 and 5 which is when he wakes up wanting a couple of oz. I think he'll drop this feed soon as he's taking less and less.
He'll then go back to sleep till 7.30 when we get up and do it all again!
Obviously some days the routine changes, if we're out etc or at the weekend when daddy is home but we pretty much stick to it and it seems to work for us.
Can't complain really, he sleeps really well at night and is mostly a happy, content little chappy.