At what age did y'all start getting your LOs into a routine?
We have no routine.
We have fallen into a pattern of her feeding every 2-3 hours, sometimes a bit longer, on demand. She has a feed around about 6ish, sometimes before sometimes later, then we have a bit more
and get up about 9.30. In the evening I go to bed about 10ish and read while I give her a feed. We are co-sleeping at the moment as well. I never really 'put her down' to sleep in the day either - she normally sleeps on my chest. I keep getting told I am making a rod for my own back blah blah blah. When should I try getting her to sleep by herself? The problem is I just love cuddling her and find it very hard to let go.
I'm not really one for routines. I tend to play things by ear and just see how it all goes. As I say, we have a kinda pattern to the days but they aren't routine IYKWIM and can change quite easily. We get done what needs to be done but am I taking the easy route?
I bought the Gina Ford book, read a few pages and then chucked it in the bin.
We have no routine.

I'm not really one for routines. I tend to play things by ear and just see how it all goes. As I say, we have a kinda pattern to the days but they aren't routine IYKWIM and can change quite easily. We get done what needs to be done but am I taking the easy route?
I bought the Gina Ford book, read a few pages and then chucked it in the bin.