Routines for 1 year old


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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I was hoping some of you mummies with 1 year olds might be able to give me a "typical day routine"

How much milk are you giving and what times are you giving it?

How many meals + snacks are your LO's having each day and what do you generally give them?

Naps - How many naps are they having nowerdays? My little man keeps jumping from 3 naps to 1 nap a day randomly!

Thanks ladies

:cheer: Happy Birthday little fella! :cheer:

Here's our routine, it varys but this is an average day:
7:00am - Breastfeed in bed with me then i put her back in her cot and she goes back to sleep.
9-9:30am - Get up, have breaskfast.
11:00am - She used to have a half hour nap here but rarely does anymore.
12:30pm - Dinner time
3:00pm - I give her a snack if i think shes hungry, usually some fruit, breadsticks or simular.
3:30-4:00pm - She has a nap, Usually for around 1-2hrs this varys depending on her morning nap.
5:30pm - Tea time
7:30pm - Bedtime breastfeed, She sometimes has supper before this if she hasnt eaten much during the day.
8-8:30pm - Bedtime, we put her in her cot awake and she goes to sleep.

Dinner time - I tend to give her various things on toast, sandwiches, crackers, crumpets, potato cakes and things like that. I give her tomatoes, cucumber, salad, cheeses and other snacks with it. She then usually has lots of fruit, rasins, rice cakes and then a biscuit or simular.
Tea time - She tends to have the same as what we have if its suitable. We give her plenty of veg, fruit & other stuff along side so that she has a variety of foods, tastes, textures to choose from.
Snacks - Her favourite snacks are fruit, rice cakes, breadsticks, cheese and things along those lines. She also loves anything thats off my plate :lol:

Hope that helps! x
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!

Our routine is quite simple really and it's one that Evie fell into herself...

6.30am - 6oz formula milk and sleep for an hour
7.30am - Evie gets up and play for half an hour
8.00am - Breakfast (weetabix made with 4oz full fat milk, toast and some fruit)
10.30 - Snack (biscuit, cheese etc)
12.00pm - Lunch (usually homemade food and fruit/yoghurt)
1.30pm - Nap (usually about 45mins to 1 hour)
2.30pm - Snack
4.00pm - Teatime (again homemade stuff and fruit)
6.00pm - Bath
6.30 - Supper (porridge made with 7oz full fat milk)
6.45 - Bedtime

Foodwise Evie will eat anything...I sometimes make her an omlette with cheese and peppers etc, or a sandwich, or she has what we had for tea the night before.
Snacks are usually fruit, cheese, biscuits, breadsticks, rice cakes etc
Charlotte's routine is very similar to when she was just turning 1 year:

7a.m - wake up, breakfast (porridge with full fat milk and fruit, followed by milk- 5Oz is average)
9a.m ish - toast snack and water
1130/12 - lunch (sandwich or other homnemade food, followed by yoghurt or similar)
12.30/1ish - nap - 40mins to 1.5 hour
230 - fruit snack and water
4.30/5 p.m - tea (homemade food e.g spag bol follwed by yoghurt or fruit or both) and water
6 -bath then milk
6.30/7- bed (up to 9 Oz depends!)

we even get the odd day without a daytime nap now :?
8oz bottle of cows milk when he first wakes (sometimes still in the night :bored: )

For breakfast between 8 and 9am a bowl of cereal and usually half a piece of toast.

10am a snack usually a biscuit, crisps or fruit.

12pm lunch whatever im having and fruit or a yoghurt for pudding

He goes straight down for a nap after lunch and normally sleep until about 3pm

when he wakes he has another snack usually fruit

5pm (6 on days im at work) he has tea, again whatever we're having

bath at 7pm followed by a story and some play time in his room. Then in bed with a 8oz bottle and he falls asleep on his own usually by 8pm.

Its the same everyday and it works excellently for us. I definitely think routines are a good thing especially for meal times and naps anything else goes.
Ours is as follows...

7.30am - 9oz of full fat cows milk

8.00am - Breakfast (Usually Ready Break, Weetabix or Oatabix)

10.30ish - Snack (Toast, Raisins, Fruit, Organix crisps etc)

12.00pm - Dinner (Sandwich or Toast with various fillings/toppings followed by a yogurt or fruit)

12.30pm - Nap (usually for around 2 hours)

3.00pm - Snack

5.30pm - Tea (Homemade meal followed by rice pudding, fruit and custard or yogurt)

6.30pm - Bath and ready for bed

7.00pm - 9oz of full fat cows milk followed by big cuddles with Mammy :D

7.30pm - He is put to bed awake and falls asleep within 15 minutes!

So that is basically it! Most days are as above but we do have days when he has a morning nap and a late afternoon nap and also some days he doesn't have snacks if he's not hungry.
Oliver's routine is

7.00am - Wake him, if not already awake - Breastfeed
8.30am - Breakfast (Weetabix, Shreddies, ReadyBrek and a slice of toast(with marmite, jam or cheese spread))
10.00am - Snack (cake, fruit, yogurt or rice cakes)
11.30am - Dinner (hot meal, spoon fed & pudding)
Nap (usually for around 1.5 hours)
2.00pm - Snack (as above)
4.00pm - Tea (sandwiches, something on toast, finger foods & pudding)
5.00pm - snack (as above)
6.30pm - Bath or top n tail
7.00pm - Breastfeed which he normally gets really tired and sleepy having. Cuddles & wind then into cot. Normally asleep within 10mins.

The only time O now really sleeps in the morning is if we've gone on a car journey, otherwise he hangs on and fights it til after lunch.

Foodwise he's load better now, he will eat mainly what I do, just chopped really small & cooked/boiled til very soft.

Hot meals - Chicken stew, spag bol, mashed potato, fish pie, he loves veggies in cheese sauce. I do buy in ready meal (Stage 3-4) too just for emergencies or if going out.

Puddings - cake & custard, jelly, icecream, rice pudding, angel delight, stewed fruit.
Happy Birthday!

Abigails routine is
6:45 wake up for nursery
8:00- has breakfast (cereal with cows milk)
10:00 has some toast/potatoe cakes
10:30- bottle of cows milk
11:30 dinner- home made meal ( chicken dinner with ved, or lasagna or sweet sour chicken etc) followed by fruit.
1:15- sleeps til 3
4:30- tea (home made meal followed by fruit or a yoghurt)
6:30- warm banana rusk followed by a bottle of cows milk
6:45 she goes to bed awake

food wise, she eats pretty much anythin she is not particularly keen on meats but she loves vegetables and fish, she does eat meat but wud rather have something else. at weekends she has sandwhiches/beans on tpast etc for dinner. she eats whatever we are eatin most of the time.
Happy Birthday!
I work 3 days a week but on my days off, James' routine is something like this:
6.30 - 7 - Up and bottle of milk in bed with us, usually 6 or 7 oz
8.00 - brekkie, usually porridge and toast
9.30 - 10.30 - nap
10.30 - snack, usually fruit, something from Organix and some milk in his cup, usually only about an oz
12ish - lunch, usually pasta, sandwiches or fishcakes followed by fruit or yoghurt. Has a cup of milk then too.
3ish - nap, usually for 1/2 an hour
5.30 - tea, similar to lunch
6.30 -bath and in bed awake by 7.

Foodwise, he has refused anything from a jar since he was about 7 months, we didn't plan on BLW but that's how it's kind of gone! Loves pasta, veggies, babybel cheese and all fruit.

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