Has anyone else found their baby feeding routine has gone to pot? I was feeding jacob every 3 1/2 hours - 5 bottles a day inc breakfast and evening meal... but lately he desn't seem interested in his breakfast. In fact he screams, cries and spits when i try to feed him.... His first bottle at 7.30am he loves and drinks the whole 8oz... but then his 11.00am (fruit or oats with bottle) he just wont take! Could he still be full up from his 7.30am bottle? The thing is i need to feed him every 3 1/2 hours to fit in 5 feeds before bed... (he doesn't wake up any more for a nite time feed) His last one is 9.30pm...
7.30am - bottle
11am - food and bottle
2.30pm - bottle
6pm - food and bottle
9.30pm - bottle then bed...
What is everyone else's routine. Not sure if to skip 11am and feed him at 12 instead...
Also how do you all manage to get out and about with baby food? (heating up jars? how?) i'm finding that i'm planning my day around Jacobs feeds. I don't mind feeding him a bottle when we're out but not brave enough to give him food....
7.30am - bottle
11am - food and bottle
2.30pm - bottle
6pm - food and bottle
9.30pm - bottle then bed...
What is everyone else's routine. Not sure if to skip 11am and feed him at 12 instead...
Also how do you all manage to get out and about with baby food? (heating up jars? how?) i'm finding that i'm planning my day around Jacobs feeds. I don't mind feeding him a bottle when we're out but not brave enough to give him food....