Sleep help!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2010
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Jake has always been quite a good little sleeper, but the past few nights have been a nightmare. He is 6 1/2 weeks old now and would previously have a feed at about 9.30pm and sleep soundly until 3am, then he'd wake up again at 7am ish for another feed.

The past few nights he has drained a 6oz bottle at 7pm then only taken 2-3ozs at 9.30pm. He falls asleep during the feed at 9.30pm and we put him in his crib. He is sleeping then until about 11pm when he's waking himself up by kicking and grunting and then wants another small feed of 1 or 2 ozs. He falls asleep during that feed and then when we put him in his crib he half wakes up and grunts and kicks for a while until he falls asleep until 2am when he wants feeding again. He sleeps during this feed and only has 2-3ozs. Again, when put back in his crib he starts grunting and kicking and eventually falls asleep until about 5am when he'll normally have a 6ozs bottle and go back to sleep for anywhere between 2 and 4 hours.

We have been swaddling him since birth and wondered if he was trying to escape so we put him in a sleeping bag for the past 2 nights and have had no improvment. After the 5am feed this morning we took him out of his sleeping bag and swaddled him but he just lay there kicking and grunting again.

Any suggestions on how we can get him to stop all this kicking and grunting, and how to get him used to his sleeping bag, and how to get him to go back to his original routine or a better routine where he sleeps better and for longer? I thought things were supposed to get easier from now not worse!!

Sorry for the long post!
Does he have a dummy?
Is there any way you could miss the 9:30 feed and maybe dreamfeed a little later on to see if he would take more?

If you're not bothered by swaddling then I would carry on, Lizzie's only just stopped being swaddled :p
He has a dummy but spits it out a lot and starts screaming for it! I will try missing out the 9.30 feed and doing it later.

I don't mind swaddling, just dont understand where the kicking and grunting has come from all of a sudden. He doesnt do it during his daytime naps.
I feel as if Louie has went backwards with his sleep too. He now wants fed twice during the night and used to only want 1 feed. This has been for over a week now! X
I know we're quite lucky Emma that our babies do sleep but it's tough when it looks like they are going backwards instead of forwards!! Am glad I'm not the only going through it!!

How much does Louie nap during the day? Jake has anywhere between 3 and 6 hours over the course of the day. He tends to cat nap during the mornings and then have a long sleep in the afternoon.

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