Rosieroo - where are you???

Jo is a lovely brilliant wonderful lady who helped me with getting started with real nappies, she has a fantastic big veggie garden, is a baby wearer and has a gorgeous little boy :)
I want to grow my own veggies but my bunnies always eat everything!!!
beanie said:
ah I take it you know eachother?? tell us more about yourself Hillbilly in Aberdeenshire I am 35, nearly 36, married, 4 kiddies (age range 18 years old to 5 months old), cloth/sling mad , just quit my job to downsize and yes, we grow our own organic veg etc etc. Known Kina for a while now - she's totally lovely - but I guess you lot already know that. She gave me link to this place and I'm impressed. Its a lot erm...freindlier than I'm used too :D
Known Kina for a while now - she's totally lovely - but I guess you lot already know that. She gave me link to this place and I'm impressed. Its a lot erm...freindlier than I'm used too
:lol: I'm almost troglike (not saying she's bad, but have similar views on some things) on this forum, so not sure if many people will agree with you Jo ;) But I'm really glad you're here (((hugs))).
beanie said:
I want to grow my own veggies but my bunnies always eat everything!!!
Don't worry, I'll send you a tomato off one of my spangly new tomato plants that my mum gave me ..... I'm very proud because I just found one on there today which is 2cm in diameter already :lol:

Kina recommended the Coorie sling to me when Olivia was a newborn (Petchy - fyi they cost IRO £22) and I'm so glad I bought one! I was reading the Happiest Baby on the Block book by Harvey Karp M.D and he explains how babies have certain self soothing reflexes. One of these is being in a position similiar to the womb (I know you all knew that!) but it's mostly to do with their chin being on their chest with the rest of their body feeling hugged, the coorie sling makes them get into this position (if you put them laying in it rather than sitting). No wonder Olivia fell asleep immediately when I put her in the sling as a newborn!

I've also got a Baby Bjorn sling and Olivia loves that when we're out and about in the shops, it feels much more secure than the coorie IMHO but that could be to do with Olivia's age?

Laura - I'm not sure what happened to the Glasgow Meet thread, if we do meet up I could bring the slings along for you to see?

PMSL :lol: yes, I had detected that you may be 'spreading the word'...

No bad thing though, whats good for the babbies is good for the world.

(Jo, shut up you ageing old hippy.....)

And I'm very glad to be here too :D
:dance: :clap:

I want to have a veg patch at the end of the garden but it's taking DH so long just to get the grass sorted out. Maybe by next year I'll be sorted. I want veggies like potato, swede, carrot and parsnips. No big tall plants that spiders can grow in thank you!
I await eagerly for my tomato. I did have some strawberry plants which the monster chewed on. I think they are supposed to be poisonous to bunnies but my two seem ok. Plus they have chomped all my basil and herbs.
Hillbilly said:
No bad thing though, whats good for the babbies is good for the world.

(Jo, shut up you ageing old hippy.....)

Come on Jo, stop letting the team down. We're normal in public remember ;) BTW I don't think you explained the downside of sweet potato poo in a reusable to me. Especially on a fleece liner (yup, went straight in the bin out of shock :shock: :oops: ). DH has resorted to showering them off. :lol:
Well get him digging! You need to be ready to plant soon for next spring! Ultimate baby led weaning - open the back door and let them peruse the goods growing the garden..not the slugs though. I draw the line at slugs. :talkhand:

Right have disrupted your thread enough now - let you back to it sorry :oops:

PS please note I now have MSN thingy. Finally wandered blinking and confused into the 21st century :D

PPS sorry about the sweet potato poo versus fleece liners thing. :lol:
I've added you. Would really love a chat tonight (don't know why I didn't just log on TBH!) but am knackered. Will speak to you tomorrow?

BTW he's got to take up a patio to have it at the end of the garden, :lol: . Think I might just buy some really deep tubs and go up instead of down.
Solids make bad poo, I have recoiled in horror at some of Seren's "presents", and have also thrown away fleece liner. She had been a bit blocked up (I think due to the heat) then she went - boy did she go. Must say Tots Bots have gone well up in my estimation as it held it all in.
LauraB said:
Hello Jo, by the way, nice to meet you! :D

And nice to meet you laura. Lovely avatar!

Lovely to 'meet' everyone!! Better go..way past my bedtime x
beanie said:
Must say Tots Bots have gone well up in my estimation as it held it all in.

Ah Totsbots - woo hoo!! Best nappies in the world. In my small, humble opinion :oops:

Right def off to bed now!!! :lol:
Hillbilly said:
beanie said:
Must say Tots Bots have gone well up in my estimation as it held it all in.

Ah Totsbots - woo hoo!! Best nappies in the world. In my small, humble opinion :oops:

Right def off to bed now!!! :lol:

Mine too, did some work for them so I am biased I guess, but they are amazing.

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