Baby Carriers??

Oh also, K was born in February so I often wore the wrsp in the winter. I wore it underneath my coat and could zip up my coat over her. I will be able to do the same with the beco. That way if you go indoors or get hot you can remove your coat without tkng off the carrier, and it's much more comfy than wearing it over a coat I think. Xx
Mrs KM ur a star!!Its all making much more sense now! lol Why is there so many to choose from?? xxx
I did the same, just put the wrap on then put my coat over the top. I found it pretty simple to put the wrap on tbh but I've heard some people struggle. I just put it on before I left the house and left it on until I got home regardless of whether she was in the wrap or not.

She's almost 2 now and I use the connecta on my back. Think she was about 6 months when I moved her to a more structured sling.
Well im hoping to only use the carrier until the baby is 6months as my son will 31months by then so the lazy bum can get walking!! lol xxxx

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