What will you do differently

1. limit visitors in the first few days
2. not spend anywhere near as much on clothes
3. not have a winter baby so that i am stuck in due to snow/icy temperatures for the first few months

not be scared into giving formula by doctors and nurses who claim i don't have enough milk! That is the biggest regret i have. I will also try not to take over so much and let my dh do things his way instead of watching over his shoulder and tellng him to do everything the way i do it...:shock:

i totally hun - wish theyd let me continue bfing....but they bascically forced me to go and buy formula.
Things id do differently.

*Not to buy anything biggers than newborn

*Not to buy a pram suit until I need one - 3 never worn here!

*Not to buy a moses - had both swinging crib and moses and hardly used the crib (which was 3 times the price, doh!!!)

*Not to rush to get back to doing things like, food shopping, swimming, gettin out and about just to prove to myself 'I can'

*As someone else said, have my close visitors to the hospital if I can - and then lock ourselves away from 2 weeks.

* Definately feed on demand as much as possible with BF - but supplement from the beginning after finding out through Austin I do not have enough exits linked up in my nippes from my previous breast reduction. If id have known from the start - he should have gained n therefore I wouldnt have been scared into FF.

*Not to feel guilt about a dummy, it can make life easier - A only has it if he is past tired n cnt sleep - but it can be a god send

*not to say no t stuff just for the sake of it 'FF, dummy, baby wipes, allowing baby to sleep on me. Just had it in my head I didnt wanna do certain things.

* Not to expect too much from hubby - think that caused the arguements in the first weeks.

* Try not to be a total nightmare pregnant woman and worrying all the time

*Wont buy a newborn baby bath - total waste of money - much more enjoyed the mum n baby bathing experience together

*Buy a million nappies - too much is never enough and now how I know a NB can use upto 15 a day, in hindsight I bought nowhere near enough, lol.

Things Id deffo do next time -

*Maintain a routine from day one (i,e bed time, bath time, chatty time)
*Not be scared into cuddling my baby too much. Its NOT A CRIME!!
*Accept - my baby WILL wake through the night - even if someone elses doesnt - and believe it when friends tel me - it will all be 10 times better when they reach 3 months.
*Appreciate hubby is scared to death of new babies- even if he doesnt show it
* ALWAYS take my mums advice - she IS always right!

Things Im not sure on -
*Whether to take my mum in again as birthing partner with hubby
*Whether to fine out sex - didnt last time

Gone off on abit of a tanjent there, lol xx
Ooooo ooo oooo and weird as it may sound 0 id like to video the birth, wish I had for A xx
***blushing at the amount of things I just wroye above** - can u tell ive thought about this waaay too much xx

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