Rolling onto front and waking up


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Do babies learn to stop waking if they roll onto their front in their sleep? (I don't know if Isaac's technically still a baby, but he always will be to me :lol: )
In his grobag it didn't happen much but when free in his cot, Isaac rolls around a lot and if he ends up on his front he wakes and cries, do they learn to stop doing that and just re-settle themselves?
i find this normally happens Amy when there overtired - has he been grumpy recently, teething, more naps then normal?
See what he gets upto n the day when hes like this t night then maybe you can tackle it.
My LO rolls around all the time, usually ends up on her front and then tries to crawl, sit or stand. SHe isn't awake to begin with but then wakes herself up. If I lay her down again she goes back to sleep but if I leave her she will wake up fully because she banged her head, fell over etc. I am wondering the same thing too. FUnny thing is, when we stayed at my parents house, she had a bigger cot and she slept much better even though she was still turning etc.
Yes the wonderful world of teething is back at the mo mrsT, though it comes and goes, he's having seperation anxiety issues at mo too, can't go for a P without him having a fit :shock: :roll:

newmum Isaac initially goes to sleep on our bed and its a lot bigger but he still manages to roll over and eventually wake/sit-up, on that too, but I do think there's something in the larger cot idea as usually before he wakes you hear a bump, bump as he's reached the side or head of the cot with his head :? maybe if they could just keep rolling they'd be fine :lol:
midna I don't know how you're able to see keys to type with your LO's sleeping habits :shock: :lol: :hug: Hopefully its because she's going to be a great sleeper as a toddler :D

Thanks for the link Sage, I thin he's way too big for that and he'd just climb out of it anyway hehe :hug:

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