risk assesment bit of a rant sorry

My OH is an employment lawyer....

Your risk assessment should be done and they don't need a mat b1.

Any detriment you have because you are pregnant is illegal. If they are making things harder by moving you and changing your hours then they are breaking the law.

My OH will give you a free advice call 0870 756 2929.

I would put it in writing that you ain't going to come to work until its done and you have a date and time its going to happen.

Send it to your own manager and also the head manager person :)

Manager got bollocked by the top dog and I had my risk assesement done today!

Ouf of 19 risks 10 were a potential danger to me! Get to move out of the kitchen asap but in meantime can have frequent breaks, a chair, don't have to go in freezer, don't have to work orange wednesdays because theyre too busy and never have to do a late shift lol. I knew my persistance would pay off!!!

Thanks for all your advice guys, another girl just found out shes pregnant so lets see if she has more luck than me!
What a great result for you. Maybe they didn't want to do if they knew they'd have to make that many changes for you, cheeky b**tards.
NickyB said:
What a great result for you. Maybe they didn't want to do if they knew they'd have to make that many changes for you, cheeky b**tards.

Yeh they knew too right :roll:

That's why i told the top dog, everyone else thinks she's a bitch but she's lovely to me! :rotfl:
The way you've been treated is terrible, absolutly discusting! I am so glad you have had it sorted out and well done to yourself for getting it done. I know many women who would have felt too intimidated by the situation to speak up for themself, so a big pat on the back to you :clap:

As someone else mentioned maybe you should keep a diary just incase you feel things start going a way you don't want them to. because then you will have it there for referance, even if it's just that you feel managers are being rude or unkind to you.

Good luck with everything :D
Phone the Health and Safety Executive as they are breaking the Law and putting you at risk, if something happens they are responsible, as soon as you tell them you are expecting they by law have to do a risk assessment. Mine was done at 4 weeks gone ! as I have a very manual job.

If your job is no longer suitable, they have to suspend you on full pay, or find you a safe allternative.

hope you get it sorted.
Sorry ! didnt realis ethis post was so old ! and glad you got it all sorted !
I never got a risk assessment where I worked :roll: . I just used my common sense, if something was heavy I would ask for help. When it got too much for me at 27 weeks with the spd and not being able to do my driving job anymore I went to the doctor and told her I was no longer physically able to carry on driving safely so she signed me off.

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