Rip millie

Lisa i'm so sorry to hear of you and your familys loss, hope you managed ok today. Lots of love x
thanks guys!! funeral was as good as cud be expected. the service was lovely and the guy was choking up talking bout her because he actually knew her which was lovely because he meant it. normally at a lot of funerals the revs dont even know people or barely know them....

the sight of her wee coffin is what hit people most altho i had already seen it so altho it was sad i wasnt shocked if u know what i mean. she was just too small and young and hadnt even started to live her life or show us what she was capable of to go to heaven.

but he was right at least we all know shes in heaven and in a better place. :( ill miss her...

when he was talking bout her memories of my own came flooding back which made it all the sadder for me... like she used to siit in the back of my car and i would put the music up loud and shed be trying to sing along and i wud turn the music off really quickly and she wouldnt realise and shed be trying to sing along... it was hilarious ... i hope wherever she is theres loadsa music!!! :D anyways shes safe now. we just have to concentrate on getting her justice and making sure he never gets to do to any other wee girl what he done to her!!!



How's her mum doing Lisa? I can't even imagine :(
her mum is putting on a brave face. undoubtedly it hasnt even sunk in yet. and shes angry. and i mean very angry and she wants justice. she told me she failed to protect her when she was on earth but shes gonna try do the best for her now :( heartbreaking...

at the end of the day she had taken millie to hospital with injuries when millie 'hurt herself' or so she thought you know odd wee bangs and bruises etc but they didnt notice anything... the child seen all her family regular and noone spotted anything so im sure in time she will take solace from the fact that it wasnt as noticeable as people are saying.... or surely the profs. would have picked something up. xx
so sorry to hear about this my heart goes out to you and her mum and dad, the whole family. Let her rest in peace

Eternal God, who sends consolation to all sorrowing hearts,
we turn to You for solace in this, our trying hour.
Though bowed in grief as our loved one departs from our midst to enter into peace of life eternal,
we reaffirm our faith in Your compassion and Your ever-present love.
May we bear our sorrow with trustful hearts,
and knowing You are near, may we not despair.
Into Your hands we commend the spirit of our beloved.
Body and soul are Yours, O God,
and in Your presence we cast off fear and are at peace.
"There is no death, what we call death.
Is but surcease from strife;
They do not die who we call dead,
They go from life ... to Life."

Tiny Angels rest your wings
sit with me for awhile.
How I long to hold your hand,
And see your tender smile.
Tiny Angel, look at me,
I want this image clear....
That I will forget your precious face
Is my biggest fear.
Tiny Angel can you tell me,
Why you have gone away?
You weren't here for very long....
Why is it, you couldn't stay?
Tiny Angel shook her head,
"These things I do not know....
But I do know that you love me,
And that I love you so".

The death of a baby is like a stone cast into the stillness of a quiet pool;
the concentric ripples of despair sweep out in all directions,
affecting many, many people

R.I.P Mille x x x x
My thoughts are with you all x x x x x x
Just to say I'm thinking of little Millie :(

How's her mum doing Lisa? :hug:
thanks v much, shes puttiung a brave face on most of the time but when were on our own she does cry so thats a good sign. tbh the best word to describe her is numb but defo holding up as well as cud b expected. i know i cudnt cope if it happened to my baby.

excuse the french but the ******* is giving his plea monday 11th! so were all going to sit and watch him say not guilty the blood will defo boil.

thanks for asking. millie is better off where she is, nice and safe with her great granny, thats a hard pill to swallow but her mummy agress. xxx
Hi Lisa,

My heart breaks for Rachel, I have a little girl the same age as Millie and I was heartbroken when I heard this story. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and all your family, I can't imagine what you all going through.

Rest in peace wee sweetheart xxxxxxx
thanks, it has touched everyone. i dont know how her mum is being as strong as she is even...

we were just talking the other night about what she would have should have turned out like...

it makes me mad...

what made him think her life was not worth her having?!?!

ANGER has hit me now xx
Hi Lisa

My thoughts are with you all today, it will be hard to see that monster, I completely understand your anger, it makes my own blood boil.

Always thinking about Millie, sweet dreams wee pet xxxxxxx
Totally agree with Valerie hun, hope some justice is seen today and if not today then very soon :hug:
todays not anything special just an update thingy... just to say how case is going he wont be trialled for maybe two years we are expecting... thanks for the msgs tho. u r all lovely xx
Hey Lisa

Thats mad, 2 years, it prolongs the anguish for Rachel, she'll not get peace until she gets justice for her wee girl. My eyes are filling up here, I'm so sorry, I can't help it, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Also untill hes convicted he gets an easy time of it in prison... hes on his own etc . its just such a horrible tragedy, the worst :( but for Millies sake she cant let him destroy her life too. xx
Hey Lisa

He probs gets to be on his own because the prison knows the other inmates would kill him, death would be too good for him, he deserves to be tortured relentlessly everyday for what he did.

I know what you mean though that he can't ruin Rachel's life as well, you can't let him have the pleasure of having control of her happiness. He has already taken a piece of Rachel which can never be replaced, wee Millie.

So sorry Lisa, it's so heartbreaking. xxxxxx

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