Right, tomorrow...


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Tomorrow is my scan and my body feels horrible. My boobs are only slightly sore but I have really bad stomach cramps and back ache and I'm trying so hard to stay positive but excuse the pun but I have a gut feeling somethings wrong. I'm sort of trying to convince myself baby will have no hb just so it would be less heart breaking.

In my letter they said my scan would be conducted by a researcher from a university about health of unborn babies and that doesn't feel me with much hope as my friend recently had a scan at the hospital and she had bruises a few days after from the scan. Plus if I ask a question about baby what if they don't know the answer. Plus they won't be scanning for my pleasure they are only interested in their research. I'm going to opt out if the research.

I'm dreading seeing a baby with no heart beat. I've had no bleeding but just cramping today. I'd rather not go.

I'm sorry for a bit of a pointless post just feel if I write it down I feel bit better. I know somethings wrong but my OH keeps saying it will be fine but he doesn't worry what so ever. Wish I was like him. I saw babys hb 2 weeks ago but I don't know % of mmc.

Dreading tomorrow.
Oh hun sending big hugs to you and i know it can be scary and sometimes pregnacy can make you feel down etc i know i was down when i had bad sickness luckly it stopped as you get to trimerster two.:hugs:

Best thing hun is stay postive easyer said than done i know.How far are you now?

Please keep me updated and let me know how you get on xxx :wave:

Ill keep you in my prayers tonight but im sure your fella is right hun everything will be okay.

Crampin of the legs are common and if you havent had any bleeding then sounds as if your okay...if you have questions ask them because its your baby hun not theres.
Goodluck for today hun x x

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Good luck honey. The fact that you saw your baby's heartbeat 2 weeks ago should reassure you as you have a really high percentage of your pregnancy continuing.


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Hey, just to let you know that you are not alone in how you are feeling.
I have my scan next week, and I just have a 'feeling' that something isnt right. It hasnt helped by the fact I cant find a heartbeat on the doppler - probably the worst decision I ever made getting that thing! I am now convinced something will be wrong, and like you, Id rather get my head around it now, than have to face complete shock next week. Ive also lost most of my symptoms as well, but nothing to do apart from wait.
Im sure you will be fine - I think its just a state we get ourselves into.
Good luck for today and let us know how you get on - you will be fine, and then that may give me some hope as well!


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