Scan tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
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I have an early scan tomorrow at 2.30pm and although I'm excited...I'm also pooing myself!!!

What if there is something wrong??I keep convincing myself I can't be pregnant, it all seems too good to be true :(

I know they won't be able to see much but I keep thinking the worst like there won't be a heartbeat or anything which could go wrong. Sorry to be a pain in the bum everyone, I guess there is nothing I can do but wait until tomorrow afternoon. I really hope everything is okay :pray:

Another thing, the midwife said if they can't find the baby on the external scan, they will do an internal. Surely they will find it at 9 weeks?? Hopefully they do as I don't fancy an internal at all :shakehead:
Good luck for tomorrw, every thing will be fine. And you will soon have a gorgeous little picture you can show us all :cheer:
aww hun :hug: good luck for the scan tomorrow, im sure all will be fine, its natural to worry hun! :hug:

btw....i didnt even know, CONGRATULATIONS :cheer:
Hope all goes well for you tomorrow, which I am sure it will, I know how you are feeling, I am pooing it as well and I have to wait another 13 days!!!!! I will be nearly 13 weeks then, but I have also thought what if no heart beat and what if no baby!!!!!! All these thoughts that run through our heads are perfectly normal and I think most women feel the same.

~*Leanne*~ said:
aww hun :hug: good luck for the scan tomorrow, im sure all will be fine, its natural to worry hun! :hug:

btw....i didnt even know, CONGRATULATIONS :cheer:

Awww thanks hun :hug:
Aww try and not worry hun, as hard as it may be, you'll be fine :hug:
Ive had 3 scans now!!

One at 4 weeks one at 5 weeks and one at just over 7. They were able to see the sac at 5 weeks and saw the baby and heartbeat at 7 :) Scan picture below!!

Im 100% they'll find something. Just drink LOADS of water before. I had a trainee doing my scan and because I was so full with water she had no trouble finding my baby what so ever!! :)

I drank about a litre of water lol. Was weeing for about an hour after though lol.

Best of luck huni and enjoy it :D :D :hug:
gd luck tomorrow i had a "scarey" scan at 8wks 5 and it was external hearbeat fluttering away you will be fine , mind show us your pic :hug:
Good luck tomo. You'll love it!

And they'll def see the baby externally at 9 weeks, so no big pole up your froo froo me thinks!
Good luck hun; I am sure everything is fine.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow :hug:
hi kaylee hun, just wanted to say good luck for tomorrow and i'll peek in to see your pics :)

you sooo deserve this little angel, i'm so excited for you :hug: xxxx
Thanks everyone :hug:

I'm getting nervous now !!

I will try come on asap after, hopefully I will have a nice scan pic to show you :)

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