Occasionally Cam would kick up a fuss if he had a dirty nappy but generally he was pretty happy to mooch about in his own excrement!!
I have no idea how you would go about getting them night time dry?? Not a clue!
What method are you trying with James?
Touch wood, Cam seems to have picked it up really quickly (just asked for his potty for the first time!) I'm not sure if it's just because he was ready for it out of its my exceptional potty training skills (read as, trying what I think will work and hoping for the best!)This is what I've done:
Went on a special trip to buy a potty and bought stickers to decorate it (dinosaurs of course!) I've had the potty around for months now and he's used it sporadically. We went on a shopping trip to buy big boy pants pants (dinosaurs of course!) and together we made a sticker chart for him. When I say together he scribbled a bit of yellow in a box and me and hubby did the rest! We also let him pick some special hand wash too. We went cold turkey and put pants on in the day and pull ups at night only. Day one was horrendous! But, he's made progress each day since then and is on day three accident free now. I ask him regularly if he needs to go and I can now tell sometimes as he holds his willy and crosses his legs. High fives, stickers and choccy buttons for getting it right, plus the excitement of getting to fish it down the toilet and use his new handc wash when he gets it right and explaining that he needs to do it in the potty when he had an accident.
James loves planets and space doesn't he, so I would try finding space themed pants, stickers etc as he might be a bit more into it if it involves something that he's interested in?