

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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Hi everyone, I really don't post in here very often as I've not long come across to Tri 3 and don't know many of you very well, really need to know if anyone else is experiencing the same though...

Now I know it's normal to be kicked in the ribs but for the past week my ribs have been so so sore, not like I'm being kicked because it's just a constant pain. But it's a very very sharp pain and I'm in absolute agony with it. It only seems to be on my right hand side and a million times worse when I bend down. Even to run my hand over the area without putting any pressure on it, it really hurts :( right underneath my boob aswell (tmi) so it's agony wearing a bra.
Do you think they might be bruised or something and is it worth getting checked out? Anyone else experienced anything like this?

if its getting to the stage where your uncomfortable and in a lot of pain i think you should get it checked out.i read somewhere you can get bruising, but could also be nothing but deffo get it checked out. i havent experienced anything like this thank god. have had a few rib kicks but hasnt been too bad so far. x
Baby's can even break a rib! Might be worth having it looked at if it's really really sore. I was very tender a couple of weeks back, even to touch but I know that's where I get lots of kicks so think I was just bruised inside a bit, I didn't have pains on breathing and could still wear a bra fine.
Ive got a small rib cage apparently so quite narrow and on this and my last pregnancy Ive had a sharp pain all the time. It really hurts to move sometimes....BUT I would get it checked out babe. Mine is due to the fact that I carry high and the baby pushes the rib cage out, from an early stage the midwife seemed a bit taken aback to see how much movement there was in my ribcage being pushed out. Us poor girls hey :)

Make sure its nothing to do with your lung though babe let us know how youre going xxx
I've had this and it's misery so I feel for you. I've had it since 27 weeks :(
Paracetamol can help. And sleep. Def talk to your GP. Poor love - I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Xxx


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