Reusable nappies


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2006
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Ok, so this site is starting to convince me to trial using re-usable nappies after saying I never would.... So I want to trial them by getting 1-2 and see how I get on with them. So my question is, which brand is the one I should go for to convince me to swich to reusable ones? Thanks everyone in advance!!
It was the mothercare smart nappy that convinced me. I bought them because they are cheap so if I didn't get on with them it wasn't too much money wasted. I loved them and then moved into more funky and cute nappies once I was sure cloth was for me. I'm actually selling some of my smart nappy stash off. Have a look in the classifieds if your interested xx
each baby seems to suit different brands, so I have bought 1-2 of a few styles, apart from Totbot bamboozles as they seem more recommended while they are tiny. I have bought pre loved ones apart from a few that I have got for the council scheme
pre loved is a great idea, I got most of mine new and they're only just becoming really absorbant.

'm loving Bumgenius at the mo. Wasn't too keen to start with cos they seemed huge and not as cute as some lol but they are by far the most absorbant.

Also loving cushie tushies. I love fuzzi bunz whilst they are small cos they do a really small size that don't look huge.

I also use motherease sandy's which contain just about everything!! and the wrap is so soft!
I didn't mean fuzzi bunz I meant itti bitti's. Got them mixed up dur...
Definitely a good idea to try a few different types/brands and pre loved makes that a bit cheaper and they are well washed and ready to go (nappies usually need approx 8 washes to get up to full absorbency).

I got a few fitted, some wraps, a couple BTP (birth to potty) and some AIOs (all in ones). As Rowes said fitteds like Tots Bots Bamboozles seem to work well on tiny bums but all babies are different shapes so what works for one might not for the next :)
Thanks for all the replies!! I have now received/ordered my first 4 nappies and getting very excited. But I have a question. Do I need a special nappy bucket to keep the dirty ones in? Or is a bucket with a lid from a pound shop ok? Thanks!!
As long as it has a secure lid, it should be fine hun. What nappies did you order? Xx
I got 2 itti bitti d'lish, 1 tots bots and 1 fuzzy bunz. I just couldn't resist all the bright colours, they are so cute!!
I love itti's I have more of them than anything else. I just used my new fuzzy bunz today, great fit!! Xx
Personally I'd go for bumgenius as they really do last all the way through to potty training and the new ones now come with an option on popper fastening which is brilliant. Check out what your local council's incentive scheme is too. We got £30 cashback from ours if we spent £50 on resuable nappies so got £50 worth of nappies for effectively £20 !

Hope this helps, good luck.
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