Retained placenta


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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Hi has anyone had a retained placenta with a previous pregnancy ? I'm asking cos with Maddison I was rushed to surgery had to have it manually removed and lost a lot of blood it was pretty horrific and I heamorged badly and il be consultant led for this reason , just wandered what happens with a second pregnancy after his happens I know il have to be strapped to a drop as soon as I'm in labour but that's all I know , and with my age the risk of it happening is pretty high anyways without it happening already in last pregnancy , I'm thinking of asking to be started off a tad early just Incase I labour at home quick cos it is my 7th labour and they have got quicker and I'm worried if it happens quickly il bleed out again :shock: I think I'm just panicking but scares shit out me it will happen again , I guess il soon find out what the deal is xx
Jojo, dud you see midwives this week ? It had a lady who was in the same position and she was fone this time round . Im sure theyll have you a consultant appoint to discuss, ask at your booking in hun
Thnx Jen no didn't see that what channel was that on ? I'm going to ask at booking in about it see what she has to say , I think my notes are gonna take some time filling in lol I may be in there a while xx
I had a retained placenta after a section with my daughter. was rushed to theatre 10 days after her birth. I'm pregnant again now and have my booking in appointment tomorrow - I didnt even think I had to mention it, but will now!
Wow how on earth did they leave some placenta behind with a section :-/ , I would mention it although mine was difrent it was natural labour and had to be removed manually xx
I had a retained placenta with my first (natural birth). It was adhered to the uterine wall rather than trapped behind a closed cervix (can you tell i've been googling types of retained placenta). I have 2 different midwives and they have very different opinions on how my next labour should be managed. One has no issues with me being midwife led and able to use the birthing centre whereas the other wants me on the labour ward hooked up to a drip etc.. I saw the nice midwife this morning and she has now arranged for me to have a 'grey folder' which means there will be a meeting somewhere to decide officially if I am allowed in the midwife-led birthing centre. It seems it's managed very differently by diffferent midwives, I've found it all quite confusing and stressful.
JoJo, hopefully you can get whatever birth you want without needing any extra interventions. I didn't realise age was a factor. I'm 34 and I havent been told it's an issue.

Hi thnx for ur info I've just had my first mw app n she says I have to go to the hospital and our birthing centre USA other 20 miles away tbh I just want what is best firme and my baby so if I'm dripped up then so be it , I've no idea what type one was just that it would not come away and we tried all ways to get it out then I heamorged pretty bad so ithad to come out quickly or I was going to die so it's kind of scared me so il do what I. Told when I'm told and I would ragherbe started off early if I. Honest and I. Gonna ask for that xx
I saw my midwife today, she was very surprised to see me again after everything I went through with Xanthe. She told me that i'm classed as high risk as apparently if you have one retained placenta, the chance it'll happen again is very high! I didnt know that! She did say she has never seen a retained placenta after an elective section when all was calm and no issues. (section due to breech position) She said that I can go for a VBAC this time round but i'll be continually monitored and have an additional drip of something? Have no idea what that will be...but sounds like any chance of a more natural/relaxed birth with few interventions as possible is out the window for me now!
Ooo this is interesting....

I had retained "products". No one has ever really told me what! But I passed a membrane so maybe that's all there was. I had a D&C at 11 days PN, narrowly escaped a blood transfusion and after that everything was fine. I was super scared about being high risk this pregnancy because of it, but I have seen a couple of midwives and one of them has actually said I can have a home birth!! Maybe it's different because it wasn't actually placenta I had? All they've said is I will need to get the injection to deliver the placenta afterwards, but I requested that last time (for some reason they never gave it though) so that doesn't bother me at all.

I'd be interested to hear what the drip is they want you to have?xx
I might be wrong but after a bit of googling I think after delivery the drip will be pitocin to help expel the placenta

Baby 2 - edd 12/05/14
Xanthe Rose - 09/07/12
I think the drip ur talking about is to help with placenta birthing but I can't remember what it was called , il be asking a lot of questions regarding this tho when I see the consultant at 14 weeks x
Hi has anyone had a retained placenta with a previous pregnancy ? I'm asking cos with Maddison I was rushed to surgery had to have it manually removed and lost a lot of blood it was pretty horrific and I heamorged badly and il be consultant led for this reason , just wandered what happens with a second pregnancy after his happens I know il have to be strapped to a drop as soon as I'm in labour but that's all I know , and with my age the risk of it happening is pretty high anyways without it happening already in last pregnancy , I'm thinking of asking to be started off a tad early just Incase I labour at home quick cos it is my 7th labour and they have got quicker and I'm worried if it happens quickly il bleed out again :shock: I think I'm just panicking but scares shit out me it will happen again , I guess il soon find out what the deal is xx

Hi, I've just found out I'm pregnant with baby number 4 and after a 1 hour from start to finish labour/delivery I also had a retained placenta even though midwife at delivery had said or was complete and was a few hours following delivery when I was rushed into theatre after harmmoraging very badly. I am extremely worried about this happening again. How many weeks are you? I have had all my babies by 37 weeks and all have been good weights so hoping I will be induced so it can be controlled. X

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