

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hello ladies,

Went to the docs this morning for results of scans I had. Gp said there is an area of 'something' (she used the word 'glowing'!) in the uterus - could be old blood could be something else - on one hand she said its not too worrying but also it could do with being referred to gyno. Its the same thing they saw after the mc last year, they gave me antibiotics to treat it as they thought it might be a bacterial infection....clearly not!

Also with my dodgy long cycles and mid month spotting and numerous other symptoms she said its deffo time for a referral. So I am going in for blood tests on Mon (providing af has arrived, if not then next fri), and then will see gp again for results. Unfortunately the gp I saw is leaving to finish her training so it will be someone else. At first she said she'd refer me to gyno only but once I said it'd been almost a year since mc she said I could be referred to fertility specialist.

The blood tests are for Pcos (which didnt show up on scan so she said its prob not that), hypothyroidism and to check hormone levels....... think after the day 1-6 ones I will need some later on in cycle too.

Finally feel like things might start happening - its good to know they have finally acknowledged I have a problem...only taken a year! won't get too excited cos its all about waiting for things....

Love to all x x x x x x x :)
ps. LouiseB thanks for advice about questions! I asked loads and made sure I knew what she was on about!! xx
Aww that's so sweet Sarah :)

I'm really glad that you're feeling much more positive and that you are being taken seriously.

It's so annoying when you find a GP you like and they disappear never to be seen again ;)

Did she mention endometriosis at all? That's quite common cause of fertility issues and maybe that is whay she saw and your scan and it can cause mid cycle bleeding.
Hi Sarah!

Glad things are starting to move in the right direction, I hope things move quickly for you and you get your BFP soon!

In the mean time I really recommend Agnus Castus, I had my earliest OV ever and it will most likely be my shortest cycle ever too, and you never know I might just get a BFP (one can dream!!)

Good luck for your next appointment, keep us posted...

No Louise they didn't mention that..... I will ask when I get referred. Its weird how they seem 'sort of' concerned about it! But then the GP herself said that this wasn't her specialist area. When I had internal exam a while back gp said I had like an inflamed ring on the outside of the cervix which isn't harmful but can cause mid-cycle bleeding.

Maybe that's really good news I hope you get your bfp. We had a read about it online a while ago but it said don't take it when you are TTC - do you just take it for first few weeks? I could deffo give it a try, would be great to have normal length cycles! I'll keep everything crossed for you that it works!

I'm feeling much better about this whole thing having you ladies here. I prob don't seem to be on here much but I keep up to date and read lots :) xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Sarah,

Just read your last post, the inflamed ring sounds like an ectopy or cervical erosion, I have one, it's not a bad thing to have in terms of TTC or general health, it's when the cells that normally live on the inside of the uterus migrate outside on to the cervix around the hole, they are more delicate cells and that's why they can bleed sometimes.

With Agnus Castus you just take it before OV as it can be harmful to a baby not to TTC though.

I am glad your GP was helpful and has started the ball rolling for you, I can remember the sense of relief I felt once my doctor sent off my referral and I knew things would start happening.

I am sure the glowing thingy is nothing to worry about, great news that its not pcos.

Hope AF arrives on time for you so you can get your bloods done x
Yes Maybe now I read that I think that's what she called it - its hard to remember all the medical terms!! Ooo, might try the AC then. Yes Vicky it is good knowing things will hopefully start happening soon. See you have your appt in a few weeks - hope it goes well! x x x x x x

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