requirements leaving hospital?? car seat??? confused...


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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no, i haven't given birth lol! :lol:

i am just pre-empting things as off down to devon from london for a few days, and i would rather be prepared in case of anything happening. fingers crossed it won't :pray: :pray:

my question is, do you have to have a car seat when you leave?
what about if you don't have a car?

if anything were to happen, me and OH can stay in devon so we would rather be prepared than not...

more i think about it, just take our car seat cos we have one!!
just wondered some opinions really?? :)

we also had our second scan today, no antenatal care for me since 16 weeks! :? i'm mental yeah i kno, but bubs is fine! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
You have to have a car seat to take the baby home even if you dont have a car here. Not sure if it applies where you are bt it certainly is, i would deffo put it in the car, i will be putting mine in the car 2 weeks before due date as recomended by prima pregnancy magazine lol :D
thanks hun for your quick response, very informative :D

i think i'll take it then, bit of a squeeze already four of us in the car!! :rotfl:
hun when i had christopher last year they wouldnt even let us carry him down to the car seat we had to take it to the ward put him in then carry him down to the car in it :? xxxxxx
We went on holiday and took the car seat with us in the car as it was a short break in the UK.

How far gone will you be when you go? and what transport wil you be using to get to devon?
If you dont have a car and would struggle with the seat maybe you could have a chat with your MW nearer the time or call the hospital nearest to where you will be staying and see what they suggest.

:? are car seats sale returnable? How about finding the cheapest seat you can find in a store like mothercare, argos, make a note of it just incase then if you do pop get Oh to go get one use it to come home and take it back to the chain in your area after??
When I had my last child many moons ago the policy was that you took the car seat up to the ward and put the baby in it and one of the nurses then walked you and baby to your car and watched you put baby in car... didn't apply to us as we were walking home so my OH brought the pram up to the ward and we were escorted down to the entrance (think they escort you out the premises so that anyone not ecsorted gets questioned in case of child abduction tbh)

Sarah xxx
our car seat is one of those big ones and is all set upin the car so i hope we dont have to take it up to the ward :pray:
With DD they just asked if we had a seat and we said yes, it was one of those stay in the car ones. There's no way OH could have dragged it all the way up to the ward. We carried her out to the car and put her in the seat and no-one checked. I guess it's up to the individual hospital.
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With my 3 I had to bring the car seat up to the ward too! Then the MW carried them down for me! Actually when I think back, :think: With Dillon Joe didnt bring the car seat as he wasnt given the message that i was coming home at next visit so the MW carried baby down for me and said I could carry him on my knee!! :shock: :shock: Im pretty sure she would be sacked now if she did that! Maybe she would have been sacked then if someone would have known?! :think:
It all depends on the hospitals policy I think :roll:

I asked my mw about this in case I popped early as my travel system only arrived yesterday (had it on order).
She advised that a moses basket should suffice but that you'd have to carry it up to the ward to collect 'baby' and then take the lift down from postnatel to the car park. She advised to get a taxi home for us although I did joke about gettin on the bus LOL! :rotfl:

Again she said the same thing - if you don't have a car then why on earth would you be forking out for a car seat?! :talkhand:

We personally would have never got one if it wasn't for the fact that I wanted a travel system. We are right next to ASDA's (literally 2-3min walk) so about the only time it's gona get used is in the trolly when I go shopping :rotfl:
Most certainly you will need a car seat if intending to take baby home in a car but if walking then your pram will be enough.
To be on the safe side ring the hospital where you are going and ask what there policy is.

Have a great time hun.

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