Private landlords, and estate agents take the p*ss with what they do.
For a bedsit, I paid a months rent (£350) in advance plus two months rent £700 as deposit! Thats shelling out £1050 plus an admin fee thing.
I'm on income support so had to lie to get anywhere at all plus family had to help me with the deposit etc.
And they almost always find an excuse not to give you a deposit back.
At least the estate agents haven't been nosey, aggro etc as some landlords have been.
Just applying to move again, and applying for council this time as had enough of having to scrounge off family for deposits etc. Luckily in Brum we have the most council housing in the country, plus I'll get some medical points.
Gemma you could move in to your new place but apply for the council list now too, being a woman and baby you will have some priority. Once you get it it's a home for life, with no money hastle etc and freedom to do with as you please as long as you don't move a horse in or something
For a bedsit, I paid a months rent (£350) in advance plus two months rent £700 as deposit! Thats shelling out £1050 plus an admin fee thing.
I'm on income support so had to lie to get anywhere at all plus family had to help me with the deposit etc.
And they almost always find an excuse not to give you a deposit back.
At least the estate agents haven't been nosey, aggro etc as some landlords have been.
Just applying to move again, and applying for council this time as had enough of having to scrounge off family for deposits etc. Luckily in Brum we have the most council housing in the country, plus I'll get some medical points.
Gemma you could move in to your new place but apply for the council list now too, being a woman and baby you will have some priority. Once you get it it's a home for life, with no money hastle etc and freedom to do with as you please as long as you don't move a horse in or something