
Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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was just thinking in my baby group we have 3 premmies me at 34 , lil girl at 33 and lil boy at 30 and funny enough we were all due within 3 days of each other !

and each of us all have reflux , so was wondering how common it was and how your all coping with it ?

plus , anyone elses babe having hurrendous poo's on it :rotfl:
My LO was born at 34 weeks - now 12 weeks old (6 weeks corrected).

He doesn't get reflux much at all. Maybe 1 day a week when he'll sick up a little - but I think that may be cos the little fatty has overeaten rather than reflux anyway :o
Ami's is shocking. (25 weeker) but then she isnt fed by mouth (yet)

GORD - gastro oesophagul reflux disease. nightmare. has thickened feeds by Gtube.

may need a Nissen Fundoplication (operation) in the future but hopefully not :pray: i am still holding onto the hope that it will correct itself but i have been told that is virtually impossible and she will have it FOR LIFE :shock:

we will see.

apparently all preemies have reflux. there are some lucky ones though!xx
hi , my baby had reflux his stats in the hospital used to drop at every feed so they put it down to reflux. He has never been sick apparantly its more of heartburn feeling now he is older , they call it silent reflux. Docs said i can take him off the gaviscon in a week however im a bit scared too. i will wean him off the gaviscon slowly and see how he goes.not sure about the poos , everynow and then he has an explosion
( born at 30 weeks , now 15 weeks, 5 weeks corrected)xx
This is so interesting! My son was born at 34 weeks (now 16 months) and he had bad reflux. We had to hold him upright after feeding etc so he got used to be cuddled to sleep. It has turned him into a really cuddly little boy now so there are some positives!

For those that went into labour early naturally, were you given a reason? My waters broke for no reason at 34 weeks and I had him 4 hours later. I am now pregnant with my second and am worried this could happen again...maybe even earlier. The midwife thinks I might have had a urine infection but no tests were done at the time. I have to see a consultant at 24 weeks to discuss options but just wondered if anyone had any advice?
Lynsey said:
This is so interesting! My son was born at 34 weeks (now 16 months) and he had bad reflux. We had to hold him upright after feeding etc so he got used to be cuddled to sleep. It has turned him into a really cuddly little boy now so there are some positives!

For those that went into labour early naturally, were you given a reason? My waters broke for no reason at 34 weeks and I had him 4 hours later. I am now pregnant with my second and am worried this could happen again...maybe even earlier. The midwife thinks I might have had a urine infection but no tests were done at the time. I have to see a consultant at 24 weeks to discuss options but just wondered if anyone had any advice?

i never found a reason and believe me i searched. i had tests, i asked every medical professional i could think of and nothing was found. at one point i even wrote a letter to God asking him why (im not religious but i was desperate) the surgeon believes it was because Ami had a bowel problem, the midwife thought i had undignosed gestational diabetes but neither can be proven. so ive had to accept the fact that it was just one of those things which was and is hard.

i did everything right, didnt smoke or drink or eat anything i shouldnt. i rested, ate well and took my pregnacare. if i ever dared gett pregnant again i would be a high risk and monitored throughout.
Lynsey said:
For those that went into labour early naturally, were you given a reason? My waters broke for no reason at 34 weeks and I had him 4 hours later. I am now pregnant with my second and am worried this could happen again...maybe even earlier. The midwife thinks I might have had a urine infection but no tests were done at the time. I have to see a consultant at 24 weeks to discuss options but just wondered if anyone had any advice?

Lynsey - my waters broke at 33wks too - nurses said there was no reason and I had done nothing wrong. In my case I was given tablets to stop the contractions and kept in hospital for monitoring, but LO's heartbeat kept dipping as he was lying on the cord because of so little water left, and at 34wks I had an emergency cesarean.

Because they had trouble getting him out (I had a J cut into my uterine muscle) I'll never be able to have a natural labour - so if I have another baby I'll have to be booked in for cesarean at around 37weeks.
i had HELLP so i did have a reason , chances are high that ill get HELLP again and baby will deffo be prem possibly even earlier and it gets worse 2nd time round of having it . i cant even go on the pill now cos it brings it on too !
Lynsey said:
This is so interesting! My son was born at 34 weeks (now 16 months) and he had bad reflux. We had to hold him upright after feeding etc so he got used to be cuddled to sleep. It has turned him into a really cuddly little boy now so there are some positives!

For those that went into labour early naturally, were you given a reason? My waters broke for no reason at 34 weeks and I had him 4 hours later. I am now pregnant with my second and am worried this could happen again...maybe even earlier. The midwife thinks I might have had a urine infection but no tests were done at the time. I have to see a consultant at 24 weeks to discuss options but just wondered if anyone had any advice?

Hi Lynsey,

I just had my baby at 31.2 weeks and was the same as you. My waters went all of a sudden without warning and he came very quickly. They did tests but coud not find an infection or reason for it anywhere. I have been told that in my situation most mothers go on to have a normal or even late birth second time round. Try to stay calm, but yeah I completely understand your concern. We hope to have another one sooner rather than later and I know I will be mega paranoid :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
but we will all be so much more prepared ! i knwo that for myself i will have everything ready next time from about 25 weeks i recon , just to be on the safe side , i hated not having stuff ready and was worried about that and i wanted to pack my lil boys things etc and done none of it

plus if i have to leave my hubby to pack my bag again i know what he'll bring and it was nothing i needed :rotfl:
Youre so right Gem, we'll be well kitted out by tri 2 :rotfl:
after weve done another year of charting lmao ooo cant wait :wall: worth it tho for another austin and leland ! ( ya recon we can time it to be charting buddies again hehehe)
Thanks girls for all your replies :hug: :hug: I am definitely going to have my bag packed early for this baby! I will let you know how I get on!

It seems the majority of babies born early on this thread are boys....they are definitely the more impatient sex :rotfl:
Lynsey said:
This is so interesting! My son was born at 34 weeks (now 16 months) and he had bad reflux. We had to hold him upright after feeding etc so he got used to be cuddled to sleep. It has turned him into a really cuddly little boy now so there are some positives!

For those that went into labour early naturally, were you given a reason? My waters broke for no reason at 34 weeks and I had him 4 hours later. I am now pregnant with my second and am worried this could happen again...maybe even earlier. The midwife thinks I might have had a urine infection but no tests were done at the time. I have to see a consultant at 24 weeks to discuss options but just wondered if anyone had any advice?

My boy was born at 36 weeks and didn't have reflux.

Lynsey, I had PROM too at 35+6 weeks and like you for no reason. I also had a urine infection during my pregnancy (can't remember when but its on here somewhere!) Interesting! I worry too that my next might be early as I know if you have had PROM or a preemie before you have a higher risk of having it again. (although that doesn't mean that you necessary will, there's just a slighty increased chance! :hug: )

.......just to add. Our friends had a little girl, 4.3 weeks early and she had really bad reflux.
G3M said:
after weve done another year of charting lmao ooo cant wait :wall: worth it tho for another austin and leland ! ( ya recon we can time it to be charting buddies again hehehe)

OMG yeah! I can't possibly think about charting again without an old temping buddy to hold my hand!

So are you considering another one some day? :D
Brave girl! They do say every pregnancy is different though. :pray: 'ing yours is utterly incomparable :D

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