Releasing balloons .*updated with pic* OMG read page 2 spook


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Well as some of you may know I lost my Mam to cancer. Tomorrow is the 2 year anniversary which is sad but we have decided to all meet up in the cemetery and release a balloon each in her memory. We are going to tie a little message to it too. Trying to make it into a nice rememberance day rather than sitting in sad all day. I will post some pictures of the balloons as I think it's going to look beautiful as there is around 50 people going !!

Just thought I would share :hug:
That sounds a beautiful idea, Im sure your mum will love it :hug:
I look forward to seeing the photo's :hug:
Lovely idea, such a lovely way to remember your mam v :hug:
That is such a lovely thing to do.
I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hoping the sun is shining.
Lxx :hug:
Thats so nice. I hope the weather is nice and bright for you :hug:
not sure how good you can see but thought I'd post some pics of balloons today, considering what a sad occasion it was I honestly felt hapy at this moment. Like we were doing something positive and i knew my mam would appreciate it




I had a beautiful love heart balloon with to a wonderful mum written in middle but it flew off right as we arrived so didn't go with this lot, i like to think it was meant to b that way but at time was a little grrr
he bright one stuck in the tree is a Nana one from Jack btw.. it's still there now :lol:
Awww that's so lovely, I'm glad you feel positive about it. Love the Nana balloon from Jack, that's sweet :) :hug: :hug:
thats amazing... all that for your mum it looks lovely :) :hug: :hug:
That's lovely hun. What a wonderful idea xx :hug:
Those pictures brought a tear to my eye.
How absolutely lovely. I LOVE the fact that your balloon went off early. I think your message to her was the most important so it's good it didn't get mixed up with the others.
I'm so glad the sun was out for you and that you feel positive after it all.
Awww.... :hug: :hug: :hug:
Its a great thing to do we do it every year on the anniversary of my brothers death we all write messages on sticky paper then attatch to the balloons

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