

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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I feel really crap today! I thought i was on the mend after my D&C on the 15th March but today has been utter rubbish. I have no interest in anything and feel intolerant, bad tempered and tearful. I have had it with my job - I was only still there because of the good maternity benefits, but now I'm not pregnant anymore its hard to justify the hassle.

Roll on summer and a new BFP. (After my period finally decides to show up)
Hi hon, so sorry to hear ur feeling like this. I think it's quite normal to feel like you are doing ok and then to dip again - this happened to me too. I have got my BFP but have cried so much since getting it in case it all happens again....seems like a mc can shake your faith in everything and rear it's ugly head again just when you think you are getting on top of things.

Big hugs hon and we're all here if u need us xxxx
Hi Becky,

Sorry your feeling like this, if it helps you def not alone in the roller coaster emotion thing, you pick yourself up and then find all of a sudden down in a hole again. I really do think it will get easier for you soon, and once you get your period and feel like trying again, I found trying again really helps as you have something to crack on with.

That was the only reason I was staying at work too, and it was pants at first and now I have got used to the idea that it will be about 4 plus extra months to when I thought I might leave, I have settled down and got on with it. We will have more chance to save up.

You were only two days behind me on D&C dates, so I got my period today! so perhaps it won't be long for you now to get yours, and maybee that is also why you are having a harder time , with AF coming soon!!

Keep chirpy, shout if you want a chat, and come and join me in the TTC room when AF arrives XXJen
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I didn't think of that, maybe I have PMT!
:hug: give urself time, I still get good and bad days...
Due to my relapase we have booked a few days away, I need a break from work and life in general. With a bit of luck AF will turn up this week and it will also be a TTC break.

I'm still having trouble getting a grip on myself some days. I got really upset earlier when I saw a vet performing a sonogram on a dog with heartworms! It reminded me of my 12 week scan which showed up nothing. Isn't it weird how you think your mind is sorted and then a simple thing like that can bring it crashing back down.
A few days away sounds a fab idea, we did that and it really helped, :hug:
I agree a great idea, break away from your job and spend some quality time with your OH,

When are you going?
We did that too hon and it really helped - hope ytou get some time and space xxxx
JJ - week after next. Walking around the Lake District, I'm hoping for sun.

Still waiting on my AF - its 4 weeks today since I had the D&C. I'm literally chomping at the bit to start trying again. Frustrating!
Hey hon, hope you get Af soon so you can TTC, lots of love xxx

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