Reintroduce myself...


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2007
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Hi Girls

I thought it would be a good idea to reintroduce myself as its been so long since I last wrote on here. I was away from the office all over xmas and went to New York for a week on holiday so been away for ages.

I am now 29 1/2 weeks and everything is going to plan thank god. I had my anti-d injection last week which went fine and didnt hurt, but had my blood test results back today and have been told I have to take iron tablets as my iron count is low. I am assuming this is pretty standard and there is nothing to worry about?

We started our NCT classes on Monday and really enjoyed them, was great to meet some other girls who are all due around the same date, we can now bore each other to tears with baby talk.

Hope you are all well today.
iron tabs are pritty normal ive got them an i no a few others aswell...
glad u had a nice x-mas n holiday and that u are well :) :cheer:
:hug: :hug:
i hadnt forgotten you. You're due a week before me :D
I loved my NCT classes- we all meet up for a chat and its great to have a little local community of people due at the same time :D
I've always loved your sign in name! Nice to see you back! I started NCT classes 2 weeks ago- I've never looked forward to Mondays so much! It is nice to meet some other mums to be and dads for that matter!

ah thanks girls for the welcome back so glad to hear you are all doing well.

I still cant quite get my head round the fact that I am having a baby oh my god!

Its kicking so hard now it must be getting so big by now 30 week tomorrow yeah!

I have to tell boss that I am thinking of leaving on 7th March. Mind you not sure if I will last that long my communte to work is 1.5 hours each way car, train & underground! Its a nightmare.

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