Reiki for stress


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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I really can't handle me being so stressed and I was advised to have Reiki which I am having a taster session for on the 27th of this month.

Reiki is an alternitive medicine thats not harmfull to you or baby and if anything is beneficial for your baby as it helps you get rid of your stresses.

I am a very spiritual person anyway so this is definatly something I am very interested in trying has anybody else tried this?

Practitioners use a technique similar to the laying on of hands, in which they claim to be channels for spiritually guided ("Rei") life force energy ("Ki") — flowing through their palms to heal specific parts of the body.

It's all very interesting and if anybody is interested I will let you all know how it goes after I have had it.

I know some people will be skeptical about it but hey it's worth a try :dance:
I have had reiki before but it was at a show so it wasn't a very peaceful setting but i can see if you were in a treatment room it would be lovely and relaxing.
Let us know what you think.
I will do hunny ! It will be just me and the Reiki master so it might be a better experience.

I will let you all know how it goes x

My mum is a Reiki master and she has done it on me a few times, its amazing.
I was really poorly last year after a viral infection and she helped me with weekly sessions.
I cried after each session, but happy calm tears, it is a very emotional experience.
Let me know how you get on but it is defo worth a go
Even my OH had a session for stress, he was dead sceptical but even h was amazed how calm he was afterwards xxxx
Sounds fantastic Zoe :dance: The Reiki master said if I like it then she will attune me to do it so I can learn and do it on myself and others.

I am really excited about it now ! :D
I would love to have Reki done. Let us know how it is!

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