regulating night feeds


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2006
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Hi everyone, I wondered if anyone can help. I bf my daughter Anaïs (six weeks) and we are not having problems, but she has now fallen into a good little routine and i was wondering if it is possible to adjust her timetables so that i can get a bit more sleep, without this upsetting her rythm. I just read that and it sounds awful selfish, but i am really so knackered... :sleep:
She feeds on demand, but has now got a set timetable - particularly in the evening. She has her bath at about eight, has a feed and then sleeps like an angel until about three am. The rest of the time she feeds every three hours, so she goes from three am to about six, then nine, twelvish, etc. I was wondering if it is possible to encourage the six hour stint from eleven/twelve at night to five six? Any ideas?

I do remember reading somewhere on here about a mum who slumber fed at about eleven and then baby slept thru the night, but cant remember age of baby...

Thanks to all for help

You could try offering a dream feed when you go to bed to see if that helps?

She may start goimg a bit longer in a few weeks, but at the mo it sounds ideal for 6 weeks. DS is 23 weeks and goes 8pm-3am, then 3.30am-7am and feeds approx 2 hourly in the day.
have you thought about doing her bath later then she will settle later..I do Dylans bath at 8.30 then bed for super at 9 ..

hope you get some :sleep:

I used to put Ellie down immediately after her 7:30pm feed, and then I used to give her a dreamfeed at 11:30pm (4hrs after her previous feed). To start with I used to give her a nappy change then as well to make sure she woke up - to basically offset the long stretch of sleep to the early hours of the morning. However once she had nicely dropped the 3:30am ish feed for a little while I stopped doing this, and it got to the point that I could often feed her without actually waking her. It worked nicely and she dropped the 3:30am ish feed at just under 8weeks old. However every baby is different. Some drop it sooner the earliest I heard it was possible for a full term baby is 6 weeks. Though something else I read said it was once they had reached a certain weight.

Good luck.
Thanks to all for your help. i tried the dream feed last night, and couldnt wake her, but didnt try changing her nappy - will try that tonite. :eek:
Will let you know how it goes!


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