Night feeds (Bottle)


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Just wondering how many oz peeps give at night time feeds, diddy Hay wxkes a few times and i offer him 4oz bottles rather then 6oz...

Did anyone else drop the amount or keep the same as during the day?

When LO was Hay's age i slowly upped the amount of feeds he was getting through the day (i.e. by offering either an extra bottle or extra Ozs in his bottles). I found this helped for him to start sleeping through the night.

Now when he wakes i offer him water. I know he isnt hungry (as im currently weaning him and he has a bottle just before he goes to bed) and slowly he has stopped waking for water.

I think (sometimes) they wake for food out of habit.

I know iv waffled a bit but hope what i said made some sense and helps you a bit :hug:
Yep we drop the amount, I usually do a 5 oz bottle but overnight she only has 2 oz, anymore than that and shes really sick. Dropping it is just enough to make her full but not mega pukey!.
Spud never took more than an ounce or so at night, so we switched to water. She doesnt bother to wake for it anymore she wakes for about a billion other reasons tho. Provided he is getting enough in the day, we found this a really good way to drop the feed, cos if she was actually hungry she would wake an hour or so later.
When you ladies say getting eough through te day how much would you say this was?

Getting him weighed today so hopefully I can rework out his daily needs roughly. Last night was fab he woke only once at 3am (he did have 5oz at 12 though).

I think I might bstart doing the water thing too...
Im not sure for Hay, but with Isla as shes a month old, the formula says she should be having 150ml, 5 x daily...... whatever :roll:

She has between 3-5 oz, around 4- 8 times a day, depends on her mood. shes had about 9 oz so far today..... the last feed she took an oz and then went back to sleep :roll:

Im gonna try the water thing aswell :D
the average age for babies to sleep through is 6 months, remember their tummies are still teeny (the size of their fists) and need frequent feeding. I just wouldn't give water at night on a very young baby without advice from a Dr (not a HV)
i second beanies caution about giving water instead of milk to very young babies at night - make sure you check with a paediatrician or gp first.

i think all too often we apply the adult trait of manipulation to our tiny babies - they don't wake at night to feed to spite us and to prevent us from sleeping, even if it feels that way sometimes :lol: but as beanie says, their tummies are tiny and they get hungry.

i hoped connor's night feeds would get better as he gets older. but instead i've found that there's far too much going on during the day that he wants to be part of - and feeding is an unwanted distraction from the world! so he has to catch up at night instead - he often has 3/4 milk feeds a night and i wouldn't dream of stopping him. :wink:
Macey sleeps from her last feed usually around 10 until 8 or 9 she has 4 or 5 210ml bottles a day x
i never dropped the amount he had at night , i would make idential bottles up for no matter what time , leland naturally started getting later and later with his 2 am feed till he was just having a 4 am feed ( he did go 10 pm 2am 6am) , he then at 5 months went into his own room and slept though waking for a bottle at 7ish and was hvaing a dreamfeed at 11pm ish . he started dropping his morning bottle so i dropped the dreamfeed . he know only has 2 bottles a day 9am and 8pm but everything his done with his bottles his done by himself , ive upped them when they run out and his dropped them on his own accord even his 3 pm bottle which he dropped 2 weeks ago .

sorry ive waffled , im tired :oops:
We did the same as Gem. The only thing we did originally was to dreamfeed her at 11pm but accidentally slept through it one night when we were on holiday only to find she slept straight through anyway. Now she wakes again at 4-5ish but it's more a comfort thing than a hunger thing as we did try to feed her a couple of times and she took about half an oz.

I think if he's waking and taking food, however little, he probably needs it. I definitely wouldn't give a young baby water in the night instead of milk because it would just fill up their tummy without actually fixing the hunger. Totally ignore what it says on the formula tin though, I think the babies that took those amounts on that schedule were clearly from another planet :lol:
Yeh, we keep the feeds the same all the time too. She generally doesn't alter what she wants during the night or during the day. Some nights she wakes up and wants a feed some nights she just wants a cuddle. Last night she went down at half ten and got up this morning at half 8...probably won't do the same tonight though ( hope she does though!:pray:)

I've never heard of changing the amount you give during the night.
I only changed the amount during the night as he was consistantly not having 6 oz, then he was only having 5oz and then more recently he is having between 1-3oz so it was pointless me making up 6oz for the night...

Thanks for the advice on the water, no there was no WAY Im removing the milk completly as he's deffo not ready.

I didn;t post with regards to him sleeping through?? Sorry if my post sounded that way, although I personally do believe its a good idea to drop bottles when they don;t need it (ie I would never remove a feed if I know the nights proceeding he had been draining each and every bottle).
My Kobi has 2 8oz feeds during the night, i breastfed my other three children on demand and co slept, so formula feeding/times is all new to me i just do what i know best which is to feed my baby whenever he wants it xx yes i am so tired i could chew my own arm off xx
Riot_Grrrl said:
My Kobi has 2 8oz feeds during the night, i breastfed my other three children on demand and co slept, so formula feeding/times is all new to me i just do what i know best which is to feed my baby whenever he wants it xx yes i am so tired i could chew my own arm off xx

Wow 8oz! Go Kobi, hope its all going well for you hon, :hug:
:) I just tend to keep it the same about 6oz to send her off to sleep she has her last bottle at about 11pm then her next is when she wakes which is about 9am-10am she will take a bottle every 3hours or so but she doesn't usually drink it all so I keep the last feed a big one because she sleeps for so long and I wouldn't want her to miss having more food than she has too. Shes not a hungry girl but she loves her sleep. We just go by what she says lol she lets us know if shes got the munchies a while back she went to waking at 5am for a bottle but that was only a few days then she went back to sleeping again.


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