regardin first period followin MMC (TMI )sorry


Active Member
Feb 23, 2014
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Its 3 wks since I had surgery to remove a MMC I'm just questioning if what I am having at moment is my period I had brown discharge for 1 day and the last 2 days I'm suffering bleedin but only when I wipe after going for a wee. Just want t put my mind at rest thanks. Xx
I had similar at times, Aslong as you're not experiencing pain and (tmi warning) nothing is smelling nasty things should be ok. If you're unsure call the ward you were on and explain and I'm sure they'll put your mind at ease. Hope you're going ok x
It doesn't sound quite like it but that's not to say it isn't. Still quite soon too. I know I had more discharge or a little blood if I'd been particularly up and active, could it be like that for you too? One thing I'm realising is everyone's body seems to react and recover different so it's so hard to know. Not much help I know
i spoke to the dr and they said sounds like period mayb on way if there was infection or sumthing id av smell and discharge and i dont .its the not knowing when it comin that driving me mad hun.after my surgery i only ad spottin nothin heavy at all no clots or anything.x
I'm in exactly the same situation- a tiny amount of brown spotting, but then when I go to the loo... haven't got any cramps/ smells, but I'm worried. I'll call the epau tomorrow and let you know what their response is.
thanks hopeful75.
can i ask how you feel in yourself?
im so all over the place emotional isnt the word xx
I was totally confused emotions wise for months (took 10wks for hcg to go back down) I would be in floods of tears at the drop of a hat! Then next minute I'd be ok. I'm normally pretty stable but husband noticed s real difference too. The poor vet had me in floods of tears when our rabbit was ill. Also for a week or so I'd cry on my easy into work, often this was because I was thinking about what had happened. Think takes time for things to settle and also the situation itself even without hormones would be hard enough
Hi, I had my first bleed about 6 weeks after natural
Mc but it was a strange period was brown discharge for 2 days ish then super light pink blood for days them finished. Didn't even really need a panty liner it was so light & I wondered is it a period? But I was for me (obviously don't know it it is for you & it's much sooner for you so can't comment but sharing my experiences so you can compare) xx
I called my epau this morning, thinking they would reassure me it was nothing to worry about. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending how you see it), the staff nurse wants me in tomorrow for a scan. Says it's unusual for it to be a period this early and she'd prefer to check that everything is clear. Physically I feel ok- no pain, cramps or fever. Mentally I'm a bit of a mess! Managed to go back to work on Monday, which has given me something to focus on. I'm now in bits tho thinking I'm going to be going to need a d&c.
Thank you everyone. My gp as said it can b normal for periods to be like bit abnormall but t b honest I always had funny periods when I had few days discharge and the bleedin and then discharge and I would finish period then. Spoke to gp bout my emotions he advised I have councillin and try low dose anti depressent which I wud av to stop if I bacame pregnant. Don't like feelin like this. X
Elliot my hcg levels went down after 7 days I tested negative then. So that was good.

Hopeful75 did u not av surgery to remove MC I did and dr said wot I experiencin can b normal.
Jaiandleigh do think it my period after speakin t dr. Thanks everyone for your storys they do help x
I was meant to have surgery but, having been given pessaries to soften cervix, had a number of theatre delays n ended up passing the baby. Scan this morning showed it had been a complete miscarriage, so the bleeding is just one of those things apparently. I had a d & c with mc number 2 and full medical management with number 1 and have never had interim bleeding before, so it has been a worry.
It's not a nice way to feel, but it does get better. Keep your hopes up.

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