

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006
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Hello everyone,

I was wondering how long after a m/c it takes for ur period to come along again? my m/c bleeding stopped just over a wee ago and last week i didnt have anything other than a little brown discharge now and again on the wipe after going to the loo, but today ive had bleeding again im confused as i dont know wot to think about it, can it b a period now r mayb is there something wrong inside????? thought id ask u all first and c mayb how it is on monday and if i still have blood ill mayb fone the doc to ask her wot is going on, im a little worried incase everything isnt ok :?
Hi, firstly sorry about your loss. Hope you're getting through the days ok.

My first AF arrived after 5 and half weeks since m/c, I was told to expect it 4-6 weeks after d&c, so it was about right (I bled for about a week). Sounds a bit early for you to have AF but that depends on when you actually m/c? Also, my bleeding was a bit up and down but if you haven't had any for a week, I would have thought it should have stopped.

I'm no expert but I would get it checked out as it may be that there is still some left inside and you don't want to get an infection...

Sorry that you're having prolonged worry over this, hope things work out ok.

Take care
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for getting back to me miffy, the last time i had a m/c 2 in total i had a period about 4/5 weeks later this one has been so different tho, mayb i will ring the doc on Monday to ask for advice or an appointment to get checked out :hug:
sorry hun have just seen this, my periods have always been about 4ish weeks after m/cs, it does vary though and some women dont have them for a fewe months

After my 1st m/c about 2 weeks after i stopped bleeding after d&c i had a tiny bleed for a day but didnt really think much off it and my doc wasnt worried, but still get yourself checked over even just to put your mind at rest :hug:

hope your ok :hug:
:shock: Tracey :hug:

So sorry to read you had to suffer two m/c's. I hope this one is sticky and all is going well.

Good luck - you have given me hope.

Becs :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hello all again,

Well i went to the doctor today as i just wanted to rest my mind, he said that it was normal still to have a little bit of blood and not b worried, he said that he would b more worried if i was still bleeding heavy and felt around my stomach and said he couldnt feel anything unnormal so that was good also, he is sending me to the hospital again for more bloods this time to c if im gonna need hormone injections so i will go on Wednesday and he said ill get the results in 1 week so fingers crossed all is ok.
Went to hospital this morning to give the blood for the hormone test and i had to give 7 of those wee tubes they really must look at everything, ill know the results in 1 week so fingers crossed all is ok.
im sure all is well hun, got my fingers crossed for you hun and let us know how it all goes :hug: :hug:
Hi Tracey

Thanx, how r u? do u have any morning sickness?
hi hun a little just mainly feeling sick all the time so far so hopefully it doesnt continue, hope your ok hun :hug: :hug:

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