Regaining birth weight


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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Something else to worry about... Isla wad 7lb 14oz at birth and went down to 7lb 6oz at day 5. She was weighed yesterday at day 12 and was 7lb 10 oz. So she hasn't regained her birth weight in the 'recommended' 2 weeks. The midwife is coming again on Thurs to weigh her again. I'm worried that she'll suggest supplementing breastfeeding with formula...

Anyone else experienced this?
I'm sure ZMD has Hun. Don't be bullied into doing anything you dont want to. Their 'recommendations' are to cover their arse.
Yes alex was 8lb 2oz when born mw came out on day 4 and he had dropped to 7lb 2oz which was just within the allowable range and she said if he lost anymore we would have to gobk to hospital i was breastfeeding nd my milk didnt come in til day 5 when he was weighed again a few days later he aas 8lb and on his next weigh in 8lb 9oz he is due to be weighed again today but they are happy he is gaining so you should be fine and as gemma says dont let them bully you into anything tbh formula ws never mentioned to me as he was gaining fine x
George was the same (at 12 day check he was less than his 2 day weight) and I was really worried that they would try and push me to supplement with formula. mw told me to feed every 3hrs/8times a day and was talking for a bit about expressing to top him up - I said i wasnt happy going for the expressing option too quickly as my boobs were only just sorting themseleves out and not becoming painfully full. Did change his feeding pattern for that day and we had a nightmare - he just became very unsettled and unhappy so I went back to demand feeding and sure enough he started putting weight on.
Stick with what you feel is right for your baby, she's on an upward trend so I wouldnt be worried :)
i have had lots of problems with Tegan weight gain Hun. she was 8lb 1oz at day 2 she had droped to 7lb 5oz it was not until 4 weeks old she got to 8lb 2oz she is now 9 weeks old and 9lb 12oz. there still not very happy with her weight gain and did say i should top up with formula i tried it twice but she doesn't like it and i don't like giving it to her so im still exclusively breastfeeding at her 8 week check with the doctor she said aslong as she is consistently gaining weight then everything is ok Hun. don't let them bully you like they've tried with me. you can always pm if u want Hun. i'll get her red book out later and write down what she weighed and when if that'll reassure you a bit xx
Thanks so much - I do feel reassured.

We were getting worried in the middle of the night and DH was up getting the pump out as we thought I should start expressing. I didn't use it and will see what she weighs on Thurs before doing anything drastic!
Try not to worry too much, they are only guidelines. I've had 2 skinny babies (lol) and one right chunk (that one takes after me!). Babies eat what they want and need regardless of what a hv might like. She's not far off the guidelines anyway which is so common xx
I did!! Cam weighed 7lb 6 oz at birth, went down to 6lb 8oz by day 4. thats a loss of 11%. I was BFing. Out of my own choice I started to express so I could see wat he was getting. Day 6 he weighed 6lb 10oz. They werent concerned but I was so I started topping up with formula. Day 10 he was 6lb 14oz. He didnt return to his BW until he was 3 weeks and 5 days old when he weighed 7lb 6 3/4. xx
Glad her weight has gone up hun!! It does make me laugh that they push so hard for you to BF when you're pregnant, don't know about you but I was told there was no downside to BFing, that I would make enough milk and everything would be fantastic etc, but then when they think baby isn't doing well enough by their standards they go and suggest formula!! So hypocritical!
Glad her weight has gone up hun!! It does make me laugh that they push so hard for you to BF when you're pregnant, don't know about you but I was told there was no downside to BFing, that I would make enough milk and everything would be fantastic etc, but then when they think baby isn't doing well enough by their standards they go and suggest formula!! So hypocritical!

I agree completely my community Midwife team spent 9 months telling me how great breastfeeding is then as soon as Tegan wouldn't gain wait told me to use formula! x
glad shes gianed it again! Noa is a small baby n didnt put enough on n she mentioned formula for top up but i just told them i wouldnt unlless he startedd to drop in weight or not seem happy.

your baby- your choice. noone knows your LO like you do x

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