

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2005
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Has anyone tried reflexology to try and induce labour? I have just had a session this morning to see if things will start moving....fingers crossed! Just wondered if anyone here had had any luck with this method?
Hi Bex

I havent tried it but starting to have treatments next week just for relaxation and to tone my uterus.

What did you think of the treatment? Did you have a specialised maternity reflexologist?

Hi, It was very relaxing. The women I had specialises in pregnancy and it was to try and encourage labour to start, just praying it will help... I have booked in for another appointment next week prov I'm still waiting!
Im really looking forward to mine.

I hope it kicks start your labour for you

I am a qualified reflexologist myself - eventhough I haven't qualified in pregnancy & labour reflexology, I have heard of several cases where reflexology has help bring on labour - but again there is no prove off this, as who is to say that the labour would not have come on it's own without the aid of the treatments (this is the constant battle with complementary therapies). Regardless of it is a very relaxing treatement and this in itself could be enough to help the body bring on labour. I've recently started having treatments from a reflexologist I've been seeing for quite a few years, she's using me as her case study (for pregnancy and labour) - couldn't refuse having free treatments, I'd be sick in the head to do that!!! Good luck with your treatments and hope it will have its desired effect :) !
Do you think I will be ok having treatments then? I dont want to bring on labour?

Evadel, oh yes a qualified reflexologist will know which points to avoid so as to not aid in inducing labour. If you are uncertain I would just double check the persons qualifications. But remember this a complememtary therapy therefore it's not quite like taking medication it requires the aid of your body tunning in and working with the areas that the therapist is focusing on, and also not all treatments have the same effect on everyone. So while one type of treatment may work for one person it may not for someone else.
Thanks Daggers

Yes Ive checked up her qualifications and she is specialised in maternity. I have voiced my concerns to her as Im a high risk for delivering early anyway.

Sounds good! I wouldn't worry to much just enjoy and relax, I have my next session booked today in about 20mins and I can't wait!
Just had my first session, and Oh wow!!!!

So relaxing, LO dozed off and i nearly joined him.

Am going for general wellbeing not labour induction, but my therapist says she treated a woman who was having an elective C-section and it helped her heal really fast afterwards!

Good news, hey Eveadel :wink:

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