Reduced movements


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2014
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Ok so I'm having a bit of a dilemma. My baby isn't a massive wriggler any way so doesn't have a movement pattern as such , but with that being said he does go through a spell of about a hour of the evening usually between 7-9 I can feel him almost constantly. I haven't been wel passed 2 days and have felt less movement. Can't realy remember feeling him much at all to be honest, think he had hiccups at 1 point and felt a kick once. I presumed it was with me being not very well either. Had a spell of Braxton yesterday's br not had anything since, other half thinks I'm just being a worrier and just not noticing them but I'm starting to worry a little now, I don't want to phone get there and him move constantly on the monitor but I'm scared I miss something. I lay on my side most of the day yesterday having cold drinks and something sugary as I was unwell yesterday and still can't say he 'woke up' for a juggle around!
Definitely give them a call. Your baby will most likely start moving as soon as you get hooked up but better to be checked just to be on the safe side. It is their job afterall so dont feel guilty! Its one of the most important things to be aware of in pregnancy xx
If you haven't felt him since yesterday I really think you should go in!! It doesn't matter if he starts wriggling then, at least then you'll know! But if you've tried laying in your side and a cold drink, and still not feeling him, it's definitely worth going in. They use a 2 hour window if not feeling baby, so since yesterday is definitely too long!! He may have moved position or something so you just can't feel him as much, but you need to find out xx
Give them a call babe! I was worried that I was panicking over nothing and that I would waste their time but I am so glad we went in, as soon as I was hooked up to the monitor yesterday baby started going mad but the midwife couldn't stress enough that of the same happened tomorrow or next week or anytime to go straight back. It's better to be safe and reassured xxxxxx
Hi hun, definitely give them a call. They'd much rather you went in and he goes mad on the monitor than you worry in silence at home. I went in 4 times with my baby. Let us know how you get on xxx
Definitely call. I went in quite a few times with my son and eventually got scanned and I had been losing fluids and ended up being induced. I'm not saying that's the case, just more so that it is always worth getting checked, I was never made to feel like I was being silly either. Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble. Xx
Tri hopping. Give them a call Hun, DD1 had a quiet day and panicked me. They were lovely, called me in and popped her on the monitor...of course she giggled and danced about then! They wiould absolutely want you to go in and you're not going to be made to feel like you wasted time in baby starts jigging about! Xx
Wondering how your getting on Ramsey?
Hi ladies sorry for the delay in the reply went out to do a food shop and had a little nap and filled myself up with a lovely dinner and water and have felt some movement, not much but more than I was, thank you for all your advice it's good knowing I'm not the only one that thinks I should get checked, taking note of my movements this evening and will call if they are still reduced but as I said earlier he usually only moves early evening so fx. I will keep you's posted if any changes xx
Glad your feeling better lovely buy honestly don't ever feel silly going! They were amazing with us yesterday xxxx
I really wouldn't risk waiting. With my 1st son I had reduced movement and on the 2nd visit I was induced. Hiccups arnt classed as movements. It's a long time to go without feeling normal movements. I don't mean to worry you but it really isn't with the risk. More than likely baby will start moving as soon as you get there. But I wouldn't want until morning before giving them a call :) xx
Thank you. Haven't slept last night been awake since 2am with back ache and neck ache. Have a 3 year old daughter to keep amused today , thank god other half isn't at football tonight I'll be a sleepy head. And thank goodness I'm on matty leave.
Little man seems to be making up for lost movement and hasn't stopped moving this morning guess he was having a lazy day as I wasn't eating or drinking much!
I fed know to just call straight away if it happens again.
Thanks again xxxx
glad to hear baby is active! you will be relieved. sorry your feeling crappy though :( hugs xx

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