Reduced Movement?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I'm just wondering if it's normal to get reduced movement? I can still feel her moving, just nothing as regular or massive like a big ol' kick or punch or anything like she used to :think:

It's been going on for about 3/4 days now... Hmmm.

MW said she's a big baby so I'm wondering whether it's just she hasn't got the space any more to move as freely as she did have... But I don't know?!

I'm a little worried? xx
i dont get kicks anymore, just scrapes of limbs and the occasional poke. is that what you can feel now?
Yeah! But not as often as I think might be normal? Maybe about 3 a day? xx
Jacques has never really increased from his 3 movements a day.

He has his moments, about once a week when he just won't stop and get comfy, but otherwise he's just so squished up I don't think he can budge an inch!

I wouldn't worry hun, think a lot of ladies get less movement around this stage :hug:
to be honest i did have a time where things seemed a bit quite, and then all of a sudden she was back at it again. i wouldnt be too worried, i certainly really noticed a change in her movements, and now of course they are getting their sleeping patterns too, so maybe she is being most active when you are busy and when your sitting quitely shes sleeping too.

i wouldnt be over cautious, but keep an eye on it and see how things progress. :hug:
I'm sure I read somewhere that you get less movements as the baby grows bigger and runs out of space. How lovely that Evie is big and healthy, I'm sure there is nothing wrong - she'll be saving all her wriggling for when she gets out in the big wide world :D
I get days when he's more active than others - when I'm busy or stressed sometimes I hardly notice him til the evening. And as he's growing the movements are definitely different, more nudges and shoves rather than fluid kicks etc

So I am sure Evie is fine and just growing big and healthy for mumma xxx
I don't know if you saw my post about this. I was worried for days until finally I decided to call the midwife. They had me come in and put me on a heart and movement monitor. It turned out that there was a lot more movement than I could actually feel, but I was told over and over while I was there that it was foolish of me to have waited so long, and that if it happens again I am to call them that day. They gave me a kickchart and if there aren't ten movements between 9 and 6 I have to call them. Ever since then I have been feeling loads of movement, but they said a second occurence is more serious.

....My point being, call them! They will put your mind at rest AND you will spare the telling off if you don't put it off!
I have noticed she doesnt have as many periods of small activity during the day anymore, she used to be moving constantly but now she wriggles mostly, then will have a big burst on an evening.

She's always been extremely active and i assumed she must be running outta space a little, but as she regularly moves from back to back to having her back on each side of me i think she has enough room still. Thats why i think she'll be in a while longer, she's still too comfy

If you dont wanna ring your midwife maybe do a kick chart for the day and just see how many periods of activity you get. You may be suprised at how many there actually are and if you do decide to see midwife you'll know for sure she's not as active :hug:
Thanks girls!

They don't do kick charts over this way and when I called the maternity unit one evening she said as long as I get some movement, they don't tend to worry :think:

BUT, she must have been in a wierd position for a few days because today she has gone stir crazy!! I've noticed she's changed position and I'm getting a knee/elbow and wriggles rather than the full on kicks and punches. Maybe it's because I was so used to feeling the jabs that I've missed the wriggles?!

Sometimes I'll be on my laptop and will see a huge lump move from one side of my belly to the other but I won't feel it... Strange child! xx
dannii87 said:
Thanks girls!

They don't do kick charts over this way and when I called the maternity unit one evening she said as long as I get some movement, they don't tend to worry :think:

BUT, she must have been in a wierd position for a few days because today she has gone stir crazy!! I've noticed she's changed position and I'm getting a knee/elbow and wriggles rather than the full on kicks and punches. Maybe it's because I was so used to feeling the jabs that I've missed the wriggles?!

Sometimes I'll be on my laptop and will see a huge lump move from one side of my belly to the other but I won't feel it... Strange child! xx

Ditto! Little man has had a very active day! (Surely he must be worn out by now!) Sleep boy sleep!!
Do you get less movement when you're not feeling well?

I ate a pizza recently which didn't agree with me and felt ill and dehydrated for a couple of days and baby seemed less wriggly. Today is the first day I've felt ok and baby has been kicking more.

Just wondered if mum is tired is baby?????

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