Reduced movement


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2011
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Baby has been really active the last week or so especially at night but I don't think I have felt him move today.

I went swimming yesterday evening to try and get him moving and have been doing housework today.

Should I be worried? If I poke him I think he moves (but I have anterior placenta) but if movements slow down should I phone hospital??
Seen on your tickers that you're overdue, so maybe that's why movement has reduced a lot? Baby will be really cramped and ready for coming out I'd assume.

Can't speak from experience though, so maybe some other ladies on here could help you a bit more :)
I would agree with Rachel, as I've heard this too. But I definitely think if you're worried phone your MW and get it checked out - does absolutely no harm and puts your mind at rest which you definitely need at the mo xxxxx
Please please phone your MW or even direct to the delivery suite.

I've spent today in hospital being monitored after reduced movement from my LO, the nurses, doctors and MW couldn't have been more helpful and reassuring, my Bubs is fine but they did pick up signs of an early infection in me which could have affected her, so well worth a couple of hours on monitoring equipment!!

Give them a ring!!!
On nye I went to the delivery suite as had only felt my daughter twice all day. They used the Doppler, did bp and put me on a monitor to look at baby's heartbeat for 15 mins, plus I had to press a button when I felt movement after being given ice cold water. They told me the further I get the less active baby will be, and like u I have an anterior placenta. They also said baby's have quiet days. I usually feel mine every hour hence why I worried. If u r concerned phone them up as u know ur baby, have u tried cold drink and I mean like ice cold and lay on ur back or left side xxxx
Thanks guys I think I am going to give the day assessment unit a call as they're there till 8pm.

I tried the ice cold drink before and I asked mw about babies slowing down last week but she said this was just a myth.

I just worry I'm over-reacting and they'll think I'm time wasting but I think I will give them a ring.
Thanks guys I think I am going to give the day assessment unit a call as they're there till 8pm.

I tried the ice cold drink before and I asked mw about babies slowing down last week but she said this was just a myth.

I just worry I'm over-reacting and they'll think I'm time wasting but I think I will give them a ring.

They won't think you're wasting their time don't worry!
And even if they did, who cares! As long as it puts your mind at rest - that's the main thing

Let us know what they say!!
They won't think that it's their job don't worry x
Give them a call!!! Let us know how you're doing!

Best to call them hun. Last time I felt like this, mw said to sit quietly with hand on bump for an hour and have a cup of tea. I sat with my hand there and felt him pretty quickly. I think sometimes when we're busy, we miss feeling them iykwim. Maybe give that a try too.

I had my tea and a little lie down and he's been moving (Phew) although not as much as usual but that should be later on tonight. Normally he kicks my insides in about 11pm so I'll see what he does then. Thanks girls

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