Recurrent miscarriage - tests and trying again


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2014
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Hi everyone,
Ive had a bit of a break from here after having my second mmc in a row but now the TCC thoughts are creeping back in my head and thinking about my options from here.
Ive been offered tests, which is great. The first would be checking if my uterus is all ok, no abnormalities etc. This will be done the first week after my next AF. Then I can get a blood test last week in December to check for blood clotting issues I think.
My dr says there is an 80% chance the next pregnancy will be successful and that the tests wont necessarily show what (if anything) is wrong.
So while Im lucky to be offered testing after 2 mc in a row, I really dont want to hold off on the TTC and waste any eggs, so to speak.
Im 34 in January and although thats certainly not old my any means, I am definately feeling the clock ticking.

So Im interested in your opinions if you were in my positon, would you hold of on tcc until you get the tests done, or jump back into it straight away and see if third time lucky?

We've already decided just to see what happens, not trying, not preventing for the next 6 weeks or so but still Im interested in other peoples opinions in this.
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I would try again right away if i was you, you can either hold off and think "but what if we did try and it happened" because that's the thing, nobody knows what will happen again if you did get pregnant, you can only find out when you do get pregnant again, or you can wait till test, and if the tests come back all clear you might then think you have wasted a few weeks when you could of been trying, The best thing to do is go with what you feel is right, if your emotional ready and you really think and want to try, I don't see why not, Your age is not old at all and you can still have a baby, but where not getting any younger, I would defo try and good luck �� xx

Firstly I'm so sorry for your losses it truly is an awful thing to go through.

I too am 34 and have now had three miscarriages. After the second I decided to have an ultrasound and a basic clotting test offered by my GP, I also thought having a break and letting my body recover a bit may help. My tests came back negative and we went on to try again, sadly the third miscarriage was a blighted ovum. We are now having the full testing done and it's horrible waiting for the results and not being able to try again.

I think you have to do what feels right for you. I felt if I didnt have the basic test done I would always regret it if I had another miscarriage. I have been under a huge amount of stress in the last year and feel particularly the last one that that could have been my problem (egg quality can decline when under such emotional stress)

Good luck with whatever you decide x
Hi hun

Sorry to hear of your losses. I lost my last baby with a MMC at 12 weeks just before I turned 34 too and I totally understand what you mean about the clock ticking.

Personally I'd just go for it right away as I wouldn't want to 'waste' a potential cycle and who knows what would happen?

I started TTC as soon as I could after the loss but sadly nothing worked and we ended up going down the IVF route with success only over 2 years later.

Hope it all works out for you xx
Thanks everyone for your reponses. Im still stuck in the wait for first AF after mc, so I have no idea where I am in my cycle anyway. Im actually starting to feel really great and positive again, its such a relief to just BD because we feel like it , not because an OPK tells us to!
And Im trying to focus on other things. What will be will be. If I get a bfp straight away, well thats obviously fantastic, and if I dont, then I can proceed with the tests, which is great too.
I had all the recurrent miscarriage testing done and didn't wait to ttc in the meantime. I too didn't wanna waste any eggs! Is your partner also being tested? (bloods and sperm). Good luck hun xxx
I had all the recurrent miscarriage testing done and didn't wait to ttc in the meantime. I too didn't wanna waste any eggs! Is your partner also being tested? (bloods and sperm). Good luck hun xxx

Hi baby2Sky,
Just me being tested at this stage (just checking of my uterus and the blood clotting test I think)
Its odd that there doesnt seem to be any set procedure for testing and it seems to just be determined by each doctor/hospital. I dont see why they cant just, do all the tests just in case!
I was the opposite of most of the other posters and I waited. But mainly because I couldn't 'just try' again - using donor sperm, so attempts were limited. I had the second miscarriage in September and the hysteroscopy in January, so had to wait a few months. The way I felt was that if I got pregnant again in the meantime and lost it, I might have been miscarrying when they booked me in for the hysteroscopy and then I'd have to postpone it and wait even longer. I was the same age as you but didn't really think about that.

It was really hard to wait, but was helped by the fact that I couldn't just try at home and had to sort things out with the donor, so there wasn't the temptation to just hop into bed when ovulating and think 'fuck it!', if I'd had that temptation I might not have held out as long as I did!

But to be honest, in your position, I'd wait. It's already November and given what you've said, you can start trying again in January. That's two months, one of which is Christmas. TTC is miserable enough without having to abstain over Christmas 'just in case'.
Hi juicypear, thankyou for sharing your experience. It is definately tempting to just go at it straight away on the chance it might be ok next time.
Im still playing the waiting game for AF to show up or not after my mc so I still have no idea where Im at. Really trying hard not to think about it, which is impossible.

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