Recovery time?


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2012
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I had my little girl 5 days ago by emergency c-section and it seems to be healing well :) however sometimes, downing the left side of my groin I'm getting a burning feeling along the under side of the scar and it's excruciating, mskes me cry it hurts so bad :( is this normal to be feeling this pain? I had my appendix out only 16months ago, and they cut straight through the scars from that surgery, so it's scar tissue been cut through :( anyone able to give me any advice?

Thanks :) xx
I had a planned c-section and recovered quickly and was less painful than the recovery from the natural birth of my son. I would speak to your health visitor and see if you can see a specialist just for peace of mind.
I didnt feel scar was properly better as such until 6 weeks ( where I had no pain or pinxhes when bending) and then for it to be fully unnoticeable probably 9 minths plus x

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Thank you :) I spoke to the midwife yesterday and she thinks maybe some minor nerve damage which is understandable! What about driving? How long before you both felt able to drive - if you can drive? Xx
Think u gave to wait 6weeks to drive hun after c sec xx
I had an emergency section and was driving after 4 weeks. I felt fine in myself. GP advised me to phone insurance company just to check and they were happy for me to drive as long as GP was. X

- now Free
My scar felt painful and weird, mostly at the ends and particularly on the right, for a few months afterwards. I also had a nasty stabbing pain one side which happened out of the blue and caught me off guard. The whole scar felt really numb for ages, although the feeling does appear to be returning now (18 months later), but still not quite what it was (doesn't bother me though).

Driving - my GP told me it was fine to drive when I felt I could (!) but I didn't for ages because the blood pressure meds I was on made me extremely tired.
I was driving after 2 1/2 weeks. Had to see GP and get letter that I then had to send to insurance company. I've got an automatic though and he said I couldn't drive a manual.
Thankyou :) luckily I have an automatic too so I'm hoping the doctor will let me drive soon too! Getting very bred of being stuck inside already :( it's only been a week!xx
I had very little pain with my CS - perhaps one of the lucky ones? I also bathed twice daily for 8 weeks with tea tree and lavender oil to help with the healing - I think this helped a lot.

I get the occasional itch that wont go away and am still a little too scared to scratch too hard lol.

I was driving when LO was 4 weeks old - but had to get permission from my Dr and insurance company too.


i had an emergncy section in july, Its not a small operation so you do get pain here and there and trust me i had so much pain here and there but when i c the docter she said everything is fine as i could have fever if ther was a problem and also your bleeding will not stop if you have a problem with the section.

I had section 8 weeks ago and i am fine also driving after 6 weeks. i was even ok after 4 weeks but its just uncomfortable until 6 weeks but after that you will be fine. but you will not have any feeling on your belly as i do not have my belly with me, i do not feel it at all but other then that everything is fine, i do everything use stairs, drive.

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