Scars? *UPDATE*


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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Does anyone have any pre-exisiting scars on their tummy from before pregnancy e.g. appendix scar/surgery scar/cesarean scar? I have an appendix scar (on my right side) and some scars from surgery to remove endometris tissue (on my belly button and sides) and I am finding them getting really sore and red. I have so far avoided bad stretch marks appart from around my scars. My appendix scar has become so so sore, itchy and imflamed with stretch-mark type lines. Anyone experienced this? Will it go down after pregnancy? I've been using bio-oil and just bought some mama-mio tummy rub to see if that helps.

Sorry for the moan, it's just so sore now :(
ive only got a piercing scar from about 2 years ago, and its stretched unbelievably!

ive used bio oil, palmers, e45, and mothercare stretch mark cream and nothing has helped one bit so ive given up
i was in the middle of having my tattoo removed by laser but had to stop whilst preg and that has been so so so ichy until i found........aloe vera!! its been great to get rid of my stretches on my bum and boobs and rashes too!
Kimbo said:
ive only got a piercing scar from about 2 years ago, and its stretched unbelievably!

ive used bio oil, palmers, e45, and mothercare stretch mark cream and nothing has helped one bit so ive given up

yeah i've got a belly piercing scar too but planning on putting piercing back in after bubs is born so at least that will be covered. Arghhhhhh it's itching me now...grrrr! Someone has recommended stri-vectin for after the pregnancy and although it's expensive apparently is AMAZING and gettting rid of marks and stretches.
annem said:
i was in the middle of having my tattoo removed by laser but had to stop whilst preg and that has been so so so ichy until i found........aloe vera!! its been great to get rid of my stretches on my bum and boobs and rashes too!

I've heard that laser helps with bad stretch marks too, planning on finding out how costly it is as if my scars are really bad after pregnancy I may indulge in some. Is it painful/uncomfortable?
I've got 2 key hole surgery scars (got pocs and once a cyst burst so was bleeding internally) anyhow they have stretched fine, just been well moisturising them.
laser is fine. I use emla cream two hours before on the area and then it does not hurt. My friend used stri-vectin and did not work. I say aloe vera helped but i had had the stretchies since 20weeks so they prob naturally faded. All these creams say they work best on red/purple stretchies and thats because your naturally going to see improvements regardless of what the cream does.

Only surgery will totally get rid of stretches. Microdermabrasion also helps and is a bit cheaper than laser.
I have an appendix removal scar from years ago and have 4 keyhole scars from a gallbladder removal. The appendix one is fine, but I've noticed that the gallbladder ones are quite red and raised, I think as they are more recent and what with the extra blood flow to the stomach they don't seem to be settling down as well as they should if I wasn't pregnant.

I do use Mama Mio oil everyday which stops them from itching, and as yet I don't have any sure its just a matter of time though..
I've got four keyhole scars too which are fine too, it's mainly the appendix scar that is quite bad. The obstetrician did comment that it quite high up so it's right where my stomach has epxanded the most. I'm quite small and my bump is all in front so maybe that is why the scar has got so stretched :?
It was ok too up to about 33 weeks, it just started getting bad now. I'm hoping that the worst stretching is over now :? :D

On a positive note I just received my mama-mio cream in the post this morning and it's really great. It goes on really nicely and I haven't itched at all today. I got the bust cream too as it was on offer and it's really lovely as well. Hopefully it'll do it's job and the stretchies will start to fade :pray:
i had my belly button pierced 6 years ago and i let it close up last year but its all streched and looks mank n really sore 2 touch :wall:
Tegala-7thMarch08 said:
i had my belly button pierced 6 years ago and i let it close up last year but its all streched and looks mank n really sore 2 touch :wall:

I just took my piercing out a few weeks ago as it was getting a little uncomfortable, mine is also stretched and sore now too...hoping that I'll be able to cover it back up with the piercing after. My poor tummy is like a war zone! A friend of mine who is having her second baby is planning on having an elective cesarean and getting a plastic surgeon on standby after bubs is out to give her a tummy tuck and some lipo straight away :rotfl:
Just a quick update that may be useful for others out there with keyhole scars/belly piercing scars etc, I spoke to the midwife last night at antenatal class and she highly recommends rosehip oil to bring down redness and itching in scars due to stretching. She also said it's good for after to bring down the redness etc.[/b]

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