Recovering from gallstone attack


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2010
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Hi all

I got back home last night from spending 3 days in hospital; thought I had a bad pulled muscle in my side but it turns out I had a bad gallstone attack. It's quite common to have gallstones if you've had a lot of pregnancies. The pain was on my right side under the rib area, mainly, and radiated into my shoulder and at its worst, locked my back and abdominal muscles altogether.

Poor stepdaughter had to call an ambulance and call hubby back from his dad's , as I was keeled over on all fours near the front door. Even breathing was excruciating...ow. Ectopic pregnancy was ruled out and I got see little baby, which was reassuring! The staff at both the Liverpool Women's Hospital and the Royal were great. Unfortunately, I spent most of my time there vomiting and taking painkillers, couldn't keep food down even with antisickness meds; it was probably codeine pills making me feel more sick than usual. I'm feeling a lot better now, but there's a chance I could get another attack...or never get one again. They are reluctant to operate so early in pregnancy, would have to wait if possible until second tri.

So, anyone else dealt with this in pregnancy, or at all? My advice, if you know you have gallstones and you get a sharp pain on the right side into the shoulder, get it checked out and get some pain meds for it. Don't assume it's a pulled muscle, lol!
I hope everyone is well?
I have never experianced this hun but just wanted to send you :hugs: as it sound like you have had a horrible few days x x

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In 2005 I went to bed one night and woke up in absolute agony....I had no idea what it was and honestly thought I was dying it was that bad. I went to hospital and they arranged for a scan thinking it could be gall stones. About a week later I found out I was pregnant and doc said he thinks that is what brought attack on.

I could not eat any fat at all, even a few crisps would have me doubled up.....I went on to have mc (nothing to do with gall stones) but the thought of going through that pain in pregnancy would have been terrible. Plus during pregnancy you have to eat a certain amount of fat so the pain is hard to avoid.

A few weeks later I had scan and confirmed gall stones....I had to wait several months for operation, in that time I lost 3 stone as I could hardly eat anything other than fruit and veg otherwise I would be in so much pain.

When I had operation all went well and I was home same day. It is the best thing I ever had done because I don't think I could have lived with the pain for much longer. Plus I do enjoy my food :whistle:

If I was you I would avoid really high fat foods if you can until they can sort you out. Do a bit of reserch into what to eat while pregnant with gall stones.

Hoping all goes well xxx
wow how horrid for you, glad youre feeling better now, its always good to know baby is ok with these sort of things. :hugs: x
Sounds awful, glad you are recovering - take it easy! xx

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