Reassurance scans - who gets them?


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hi all

I've seen some threads on here where people are having reassurance scans at about 7 weeks. Who gets these? I had a misscarriage last year at about 11 weeks. I didn't have a scan on the NHS at 7 weeks last time but wondering if its people that have had miscarriages that get them??

Thanks! x
I think sometimes you can be refered for a reasurance scan if you have had a previous mc, you will need to talk to your GP about this.
I had to have an early scan at around 6 weeks due to server cramping and I have booked a private reasurance scan for 9 weeks costing £90.
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I had a few early scans because of worrying, and 2 previous m/cs.
Talk to the ladies at your EPAU, they might be able to help :hugs:
i had mine due to previous MC and anxiety the gp referred me to the EPU, just talk to your GP I am sure it can be arranged!!
I got one when I got bleeding during my first pregnancy. It was an internal one though. I was 8 weeks and it was very hard for them to get a picture.
I'm happy just to wait till 12 point in worrying but that's just my opinion. If I had had previous mc or anything "not right" then I would of course get an early scan but at the moment, everything on the right track so I just put it out my head and presume everything is OK....
Quite right Tracey,

You cant see anything untill about 12 weeks anyway. I had mines at 8 weeks and it was the tinyest wee dot - there was no shape to it at all, had to squint to see it - not even worth seeing tbh.

i had a scan on my last pregnancy at 8 weeks and it looked like a grain of rice... much rather wait till 12weeks and actually see my baby!

but if did have worries and really wanted to have a early scan then i would of go to midwife and see what she says!
I would rather wait until 12 weeks too! I had 3 early scans and even at my last one baby was just a blob.

If you're worried then speak to your doc, hopefully something can be arranged for you xxx

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