Really upset...any advice ladies? is it over


May 23, 2011
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ok i've written before but some of you might not have seen. i had a termination on 08/04/11 (big mistake)

any way afterward felt back to normal then around 11/05/11 startefd feeling weird and missed period.

took 3 clearblues over a period of two weeks all positive!
doc test was negative assumed it was too early took another one few days after clearblue digital positive.

was really happy had all kinds of symtoms sickness hard stomach peeing alot.

that was two weeks ago.

was waitin it out for doc to confirm....just took a clearblue digital......
not pregnant was result.

im gutted does this mean its over

still no period and no sign of one.....
its hard to call really. Do you still have your symptoms. Have you tried any other tests. I personally would be thinkin the worse too. I hope its just a faulty test or something. You need to go to dr and ask for an early scan
Try another test hun x Sometimes clearblue are garbage xx
I agree with the girls. Get urself another test and try a brand with pink dye.
If its still neg, go and see ur gp xxx
Got my fingers crossed for you, maybe do another test to check in a couple of days if still no sign of AF, with what your body has been through lately it's probably all over the place, so you could be getting false readings x
Maybe your GP could to a blood test? That should give you a definite answer.
Sounds very strange hun unless your body took ages to get rid of the preg hormone and it's been lingering in ur body for a while? Hope u get some answers x
Did have unprotected sex after your termination?

I would go to the docs and get a blood test.

It maybe that pg hormone was still in system like other girls have said.

Hope you get the answer you want.
I agree with the other ladies that it might have just been the terminated pregnany that was showing up positive on the tests.

I'm not too sure on how abortions work, but maybe they take longer to recover from than a miscarriage because your body might have gone into a shock and take longer for the hormone levels to subside.

What is done is done and i'm just hoping that you aren't rushing back into another pregnancy because you feel badly. Get yourself some long term contraception.

Remember the reasons why you had an abortion in the first place and realise that very little has going to have changed since then.
Hi Sweetie, I know you think the termination was a mistake but please don't get pregnant again quickly if you can avoid it. Its too soon for your body if nothing else. xx
^I agree.
I believe women who have terminations or unfortunately suffer miscarriages should wait until they get pregnant again. It's too much stress on your body and I personally think you should grieve for the loss of your child before you try for another. Doctors also suggest you wait a few months to let your body recover.

I think that the positive tests you were getting could have been because the pregnancy hormones were still inside you from the pregnancy. This happens a lot, some women get positives tests weeks after a termination/miscarriage.

I'm sorry you feel the termination was a mistake, My mother also regrets aborting my brother every day of her life since it happened :/ It must be a horrible feeling.

Good luck to you xxx
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Any update YoungAndNaive?

I can totally understand that you are desperate to be pregnant again cos you feel the termination was the wrong thing to do.
Darling, I've been in the same position and was desperate to 'replace' the baby I lost (can't bring myself to describe the situation in any other way) :( I thought the only thing that would make me feel happy again was another baby, and to be honest part of me still feels a bit like that to this day, but TiffanyJanexo is right and you need to grieve for that baby and let your body recover as well as your heart and mind.
I am crying typing this cos I still feel the pain and loss every day of my decision so I really do know how you feel.
Of course if you are pregnant again thats wonderful news but if you're not please go steady and take your time.
If I can help or you need to talk you're more than welcome to private message me.
Take care and big hugs to you.
x x x

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