really upset..... again!


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2011
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I did a cb test this morning and saw it in black and white Not Pregnant, am really upset i really didnt think it would happen quickly but this was month 5 now and still nothing so gutted.

Just cant wait for af to show up now so i can get on with the next month. Fx for anyone else testing still this month.

Michelle. x

P.s what do u girls do to make yourselves feel better after getting a neg results?? Im feeling sum shopping coming on!
ye sounds good, go shopping :)
i normally treat my self think you have to.
cheer up it'll happen wen u least expect it
Sorry to hear that hun!

Thats why im not doing a test as dont want to see "Not pregnant" so just got it in my head that i am waiting for my period! Its working so far but this is my first month so im sure it will not work for long! x

What methods do you use when TTC?x
Well i have been using cb opks but this month i tried to relax a bit and we just bd every other day, but on cycle day 17 i had some very strange cramping and then for 4 days brown blood on/off was ever hopeful it was implantaion but im now wondering if it was af!! Very confusing!! Will prob wait for af and then use the opks again. Fx for you.

Michelle. x
Im using the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor what i do like coz the machine tells you if you are about to OV.

Good that you have been bd every other day, CD 17 is early for AF so I would of prob been like you and thought it could be implantation or do you have very short periods??

How any days after OV are you? x
hey hun ur not out until the witch gets you how many dpo are you?

in answer to ur question, when i got my negative last cycle i had a cider and black, and a chinese which included prawns (as i cut prawns out when ttc and 2ww) and ate lots of chocolate lol

fx u get ur bfp soon hun xxx
i hate the digi tests, at least with normal ones you can take it apart, squint at it, hold it up at the window, shine your phone at it tryign to see that second line - bl00dy digis take all the fun away!
Just been shopping that has cheered me up, and im now off out to see sum very good friends, havent had a drink since july for other reasons but cud defo have one today lol.

I am now 4 days late and on cycle day 32, they have been iregular since i came off the pill in may tho. Not sure when i ovulated as i was very ill and when i finally started using opks(prob cd 14) i used them for a bit n i got negatives so think i must have ov early this month, then i got this funny bleed cd 17 for a few days on/off and thought i was lucky and it was going to be implantation bleeding so tested last sat at what i think is roughly 14dpo and got a bfn and so left it till today so i cud test and know i was late but still bfn, seeing the words just really hurt as i hadnt used a cb before!

Bring on af now i say and roll on nov!!

Thanks for always being here girls god i know it sounds sad but dont know what id do without this forum.

Michelle. x
Sorry to hear that babes. Roll on next month.

We all feel the same.

I drink wine, go shopping and have as much tea and coffee as I want!!
Sorry to hear but dont get too down :-(

Im waiting for my period, due tomorrow, had a few symptoms but nothing major, going to wait to do test, getting my hopes up too much

Good luck for next time and plenty of shopping will help :) xxx
Sorry to hear but dont get too down :-(

Im waiting for my period, due tomorrow, had a few symptoms but nothing major, going to wait to do test, getting my hopes up too much

Good luck for next time and plenty of shopping will help :) xxx
I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so down, I'm waiting for AF to turn up too, did a couple of opk's over the last couple of days but completely negative its cycle 16 for me, if you came off the pill in may it could just be that your body is taking its time getting back to Normal, I have my fingers crossed you get your BFP soon xx chocolate works for me. Xx
I was SO upset last month. I just let it all out and had a good cry. Then spent the money I saved that month on lots of things for me :p

Hope you feel happier soon xx
Thank you all your all so kind, im afraid my day got worse really, i went to my best friends house last night and she tells us all shes six weeks pregnant, shes like a sister to me so im over the moon for her but also so sad and then gulity!!

I thought a few months ago when i mentioned ttc that she was too i just saw the looks between her and her hubby and ive know her since we were 3 so i knew she wud want kids soon like me, and i am so pleased for her just wish it was me as well.

On a positive tho she said she has been off the pill since march and seeing as we went on it roughly the same time that did cheer me up and give me hope that my bfp is hopefully just round the corner Just wish this empty feeling wud go away and to top it off ive woken with a horrid cold. Glad i went shopping yesterday now lol n feeling a day on the sofa watching films today. Sorry to keep moaning but i know u all know how it feels.

Michelle. x
Just think though if you get your BFP in a month or 2 you can be pregnant together and share your journey together so fingers crossed! :).

Sounds like you do still have a chance if AF hasn't appeared yet though, do you know what your temps are doing? Charting temps really takes away the anxiety of not knowing when you ov'd

Good luck
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No ive never done the temps thing im not really sure what you do but i have got a thermometer now so i could give it a go if i ever cum on and can start again!!

I no you are right im really keeping my fx for my bfp in the next couple of months so we might experience it together.

Michelle. x
I highly recommend charting your temps. I came off the pill in August and I had my first ovulatory cycle this time which I only knew because I'd taken my temps.

It's dead easy, I do it on You just have to try to take your temp at the same time every morning before getting out of bed. When you sign up (free) they send you charting lessons via email. There's also a book called 'Taking charge of your Fertility' by Toni Weschler which I've found very enlightening!
Thank you will have a look into this.

Michelle. x
so sorry hun.. i now only test if i am over 2 days late.. and use a tesco hpt.. so if it goes up negative its not quite so upsetting as seeing `not pregnant`.. FX for next time xx

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